Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

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Yet Another Police Shooting

A 23 year old Texas college student who graduated as valadictorian from Baytown Christian Academy, and was currently attending the University of the Incarnate Word in San Antonio, was shot and killed by UIW campus policeman Chris Carter on Friday morning. The victim’s name was Robert Cameron Redus.

Although not confirmed, Redus was allegedly pulled over for “speeding and driving eratically.” Things get unusual from this point forward. According to Lt. Cindy Pruitt of the Alamo Heights police, Redus and this officer got into “some kind of altercation.” Suspicion should begin immediately following a vague statement such as this one.

Redus has been described by many friends and neighbors as a non-aggressive person and “the nicest guy,” and someone who was very well liked. “Sara Davis, 20, and her sister Annie Jones, 22, both of Baytown, described Redus as kind, intelligent, compassionate and well-loved within the community.” Those at the university are stunned.

I certainly don’t know the exact details of what occured, but given the actions and attitude of the police so far, this looks like another unnecessary and unjustified police shooting of what seems to be an unarmed citizen, and the ensuing protection of its own. In addition, any and all valid information is not forthcoming, so as is normal in these types of police incidents, what is being hidden? I am only making this claim based upon what has happened so far.

Carter was immediately put on paid administrative leave (paid vacation). The university in its attempt to gain cover stated that Carter had “an extensive law enforcement background,” but what did that actually mean? In his eight year Texas career as a policeman, he has held nine different jobs at eight different agencies, most lasting less than a year.

Details are slow in coming, and cover statements are evident. Carter, according to Lt. Cindy Pruitt, said he noticed Redus driving his pickup eratically. Redus was not on campus when stopped, but the police would not give the location of where Carter saw this alleged “eratic” driving.

Redus pulled over into parking a lot and stopped his vehicle as would be normal, but reports say that both men exited their vehicles at that time. Supposedly, a struggle ensued, and Carter shot up to six times at Redus, hitting him several times. He was dead at the scene. Why was such a violent response necessary?

Police say they are investigating whether Redus had a weapon or not, which means he did not. Carter never even claimed any weapon was present. Had he (Redus) brandished a weapon, they would have said so immediately in order to justify the multiple times that he was shot. In addition, the police quickly said that any investigation would go on for days. That should give them time to get their story straight.

Most likely to the chagrin of the police, a neighbor said he heard what was likely the last words of Redus. They are damning.

The witness, Mohammad Haidarasl, explained that he heard the officer say more than once, “Stop resisting, stop resisting.” That is the normal planned response of police in virtually any and every situation, something expected to give them cover in any investigation, whether valid or not. In most cases, it is not valid at all. From a San Antonio article written by Michelle Mondo:

“He thought he heard a struggle, and “then the cop said, ‘I’m going to shoot,’” Haidarasl said.”

“And that, Haidarasl added, was what garnered the off-handed, sarcastic comment from their neighbor.”

“I heard (a man) say, ‘Oh, you’re gonna shoot me?’ like sarcastic almost,” said Mohammad Haidarasl, 22, who was on his couch in his ground-floor unit at the Treehouse Apartments in Alamo Heights at about 2 a.m.”

Just a moment passed, less than a minute, and the witness Haidarasl heard four to six gunshots, and Redus was dead!

We live in a police state where any citizen can and will be shot and killed with any provacation, whether legitimate or not. How can a simple traffic stop, one that has no other implications according to police, lead to the murder of a well accomplished young man?

These brutal and deadly assaults by police are happening constantly, and it is time to stop the state’s attacks on citizens! Disarm the police!


