By: Gary D. Barnett
“There is no difference between communism (totalitarianism) and socialism, (democracy) except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.”
~ Ayn Rand, L. A. Times, September 2, 1962
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As of late, I have noticed much more volatility from my subscribers, in that while I receive many more free subscribers than paid subscribers, I continue to net many more free subscribers than I lose. Paid subscribers however, are growing very slowly as of late. From my observations, this seems to be directly related to my very critical analysis of Trump. This is disheartening, because although my paid subscribers obviously want to see my work, some cannot stomach the truth about Trump and this totalitarian governing system, due to the blind worship and ‘savior’ status’ bestowed upon this corrupt and tyrannical politician.
Given that I have been extremely critical of every politician and every government, including every single president for decades, these attitudes signal that a very large number of people have acquiesced to the false notion that ‘electing’ (they are all selected in advance) a different trimmer will lead to the road to freedom, safety, and prosperity, when in fact, just the opposite is the case. This notion is based only on a mistaken understanding of government, and total indifference to any truth exposed that could threaten some preconceived or indoctrinated position taken as the easy way out.
I write only to expose the absolute continuous tyranny that plagues this country and the world; all setting up even more totalitarian policies meant to break, cage, and control populations. My interest is promoting liberty at all costs, always without compromising the truth, regardless of how any may be offended by the brutal candor of my positions. I never cater to softer positions in order to please, and in my opinion, there are a multitude of writers out there who stoop to joining the controlled opposition camp, in order to please and get more readers. This is a copout, and is extremely prevalent in today’s alternative media space. My writing is unique because I never bow to pressure to soften reality, and expose this government’s contempt for the people at every turn, regardless of pushback, name-calling, animosity, or risk to myself. I have absolutely no use for the collective mob or groupthink, as this posture destroys individual intellect.
Being attacked does not faze me because the truth cannot be abandoned simply in order to get along without destroying any and every message of honesty. This is what I offer, and as far as I can tell, there are only a few who never compromise for the sake of acceptance by the crowd, adoration, or fear of being rejected. I am retired and do not write as a vocation, but the cost of doing this is a definite impediment to my work. I do subscribe to several sites in order to gain different perspectives, and to have as many legitimate sources as possible in order find the referenced truth. I have to keep up with technology, computer systems, internet services, copiers, printers, and continued updates and maintenance. The biggest cost is my time, as I spend many hours a day studying, researching, and reading articles and documents, in order to be properly informed. Except for travel with family and vacations, (and sometimes even then) I do this seven days a week in order to produce 100 plus articles a year. I have recently decided also to publish short update notes on my Substack page every day, or at least several times a week. In addition, I am planning to test doing a short podcast addition a couple times a month in the near future.
My writing is strictly based on my passion for freedom, and helping others to have a trusted avenue of truth, so that they have an opportunity to decide for themselves that they can make a difference by simply being informed and willing to speak out. I do not expect anyone to blindly follow or believe me, but if seeking information is sought, at least listen and decide for yourself as an individual, what is important enough to you to stoke your passion for your own freedom.
I have a free version and a paid only version for my writing. I still offer some full articles on occasion to all subscribers, free and paid, but to get all content, and any future podcasts, and be able to comment and correspond with other paid supporters, a paid subscription is necessary. I fully understand the horrible inflationary environment that has been created by this governing monster, but if even a few of you who appreciate my hard-hitting and uncompromised positions can afford to become paid subscribers for a very few dollars a month, I will be able to continue writing and exposing the vast corruption, lies, propaganda, and massive hypocrisy evident in this now totalitarian country.
If you can afford to do so, please consider supporting my work. It is a work of pure passion that I plan to continue for as long as I am able to do so. I truly appreciate any and all support from all those who have the guts to accept the truth, instead of relying on the State to decide your fate in life for you.
“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
~ Edward R. Murrow
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