By: Gary D. Barnett
“Collectivism holds that the individual has no rights, that his life and work belong to the group (to “society,” to the tribe, the state, the nation) and that the group may sacrifice him at its own whim to its own interests. The only way to implement a doctrine of that kind is by means of brute force – and statism has always been the political corollary of collectivism.”
~ Ayn Rand
Yes, of course, there are those who cling to the political circus, and are loyal to the red or blue, democrat or republican, and who believe in most cases the general mainstream narrative being propagated every day of their lives. Of course, all politics are evil, due to the fact that politics, all politics, entail the insane ideology that the few control the many for the good of the collective horde called the masses. Considering where we are today, this fact is irrefutable.
There have always been certain individuals who buck this trend, who in some cases actually understand and embrace legitimate freedom, and then there are the pretenders; those who claim to seek freedom, but who will only do so as long as a governing system is in place. This is a total contradiction in my opinion, but does not humanity exist in a complete state of confusion, with the desire to be ruled by others? Many of these people are called ‘libertarians,’ those who feign a belief in liberty while embracing a government that is supposedly limited, and guided by some arbitrary political document that they themselves devised to appoint a ruling class. Hypocritical yes, but the ‘belief’ is that some majority of the ignorant and dumbed-down collective herd has a right to delegate powers they do not possess to a third party called government, in order to bring everyone under the same tent of enslavement.
This phenomenon is completely absurd, but the subtle differences of all those republicans, democrats, independents, and ‘libertarians,’ (and all other political labels) are almost non-existent. In other words, all these people are cut from the same cloth, and expect to be guided, ruled over, controlled, and forced into a system that depends on a ruling class. This can only be accomplished in a collective society of fools, but freedom is the opposite of collectivism, and so long as any have power to rule another, freedom cannot exist.
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Today, there is a new energizing of the so-called ‘libertarian’ movement, but it is a total fraud. Like all other political groups, the tendency is to be drawn to, and to designate specific leaders as enlightened or able to spread the message sought by a particular group, in order to have something in which to cling. It does not matter what actions are present, but only that the perception of the idea is intact. This of course, defeats the purpose of freedom from the outset, but that is quickly put aside for the chance to promote particular agendas. It seems the new ‘libertarian’ movement found its ‘god’ in the form of Javier Milei from Argentina.
His (Milei’s) winning of the election gave fresh hope that the ‘libertarian’ message would be shown to be the way. All that was necessary for this to take place, was for Milei to self-describe as an “anarcho-capitalist,” a term coined by the great Murray Rothbard. The problem however, is that Milei is not in any way an anarchist, and he obviously does not believe in capitalism or free markets, so he is certainly not an anarcho-capitalist, but is a believer in total political rule. His actions in office, political rhetoric, lies, and totalitarian rule, bear this out in spades. In addition, he fully supports war and genocide, and hard-handed rule.
From this staged ‘libertarian’ awakening, came many out of the mainstream woodwork, with new life for larger audiences. More ‘libertarians’ were seeking political office, which from the perspective of liberty is oxymoronic. To denounce rule while seeking rule is a bit hypocritical, but politics could never survive if hypocrisy and contradiction were not apparent and rampant. Today, I hear constantly that this guy or the next is ‘more libertarian,’ oriented, and this is meant to be a badge of honor. The rebuilt alternative media has certainly taken advantage of these labels, as mainstream reporters, podcasters, billionaires, and political types are now seemingly everywhere. Some, like Russell Brand, are now even pretending to be religious zealots, praying and showboating in public, which is a ruse, but comical nonetheless.
To name a few of these trimmers is rather simple. The larger than life bull-shitters are everywhere to be sure; those like Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Jordon Peterson, Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, and of course the fully controlled puppet for the deep state, Trump, who likes to play the ‘libertarian’ card often. These are only a few of the biggest liars and controlled opposition, but they are now everywhere. Much, if not most, of the alternative space has been hijacked by imposters who seek large numbers of followers. There have been in the past, people who accepted the label of ‘libertarian’ honestly, thought of themselves as promoters of freedom and free markets, and even I accepted that term very early on, but things have dramatically changed as the dumbing-down of this population has advanced. The only true form of legitimate freedom rests in anarchy; no rule, no rulers. It is just that simple.
With that said, here we go again for the 60th time in a row of having a president ‘selected’ to run the country. What does one say about a population that voluntarily chooses, and accepts, a master ruler over all, 60 times consecutively over 235 years, while things worsen every single time? The first response to this question would be pure insanity, and actually, if one stops and thinks critically, and looks around at where we are, nothing but insane indifference to willing enslavement can be the resulting thought.
Funny, the ‘chosen’ rulers actually control nothing, as they are but puppets on a string being commanded by the real ruling class. Without this collective belief in government as god, and a blind and weak-minded populace, none of the horrors we face could exist. Cowardice, obedience to false authority, compliance to rule, and a pathetic dependence on what are falsely called ‘leaders,’ has been the downfall of man, and the only consequence of this idiotic behavior is a life of misery for all but the few. That seems to be the desired state of being of most of humanity today, and this is a sad commentary on the state of mind of most.
Remember, regardless of the outcome of this farce called an ‘election,’ you will all be worse off in the end. Evil is evil, period, and choosing what you deem as the lesser of evil means you have purposely chosen and accept that evil. That means the blame lies with all those who participate in the fraud of politics, vote, and voluntarily accept the status quo without resistance. This is the essence of a fully enslaved society.
“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.”
~ H.L. Mencken
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