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What I Do Will Never Make a Difference: This Stupid, Indifferent, and Indoctrinated Population Cannot Be Fixed  

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“The American people, taking one with another, constitute the most timorous, snivelling, poltroonish, ignominious mob of serfs and goosesteppers ever gathered under one flag in Christendom since the end of the Middle Ages.”

~ H. L. Mencken

It seems that the very astute Mencken had a handle on the sorry state of Americans many decades ago. Of course, his observations were correct, but I doubt even he would have believed what is going on today. It is pure insanity. From the staged 9/11 incident, to all the so-called shootings over the past 25 years, to the murderous and aggressive U.S. wars, to the riots, looting, burning, and assaults on the streets, to the purposeful destruction of the economy, to the fake ‘covid’ pandemic, to the lockdowns, business closures, mask wearing, evil (all) presidents, “woke'” madness, pre-planned inundation of non-immigrant immigrants, the staged (fake) ‘assassination’ attempt of the moronic Trump, the fully U.S. supported Israeli genocide of an entire people, and now to the plotted soap opera of Biden ‘standing down’ for Harris. This of course, is just an infinitesimal amount of all the bullshit that has been going on for many decades, and to list it all would be a gargantuan task.

The bottom line of this thinking is that in November, and for the 60th time consecutively, insane ‘voters,’ 155 million or more brainless souls, or about 67% of the doltish registered ‘voters,’ will run to the polls to have their so-called new master and king selected for them. They will willingly do this with the absurd notion that they are doing their part by participating in their own slavery. Those who run the world are fully aware of the limitless lack of intellect possessed by the American population. Once again, this is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different outcome. When it comes to the worthless and complete idiocy of ‘voting,’ trained seals could do a better job, as most would choose to take a swim on that day instead of drowning in the shit-infested cesspool of politics.

Oh my, but there are basically two sides fighting amongst each other, and they brilliantly call themselves either red or blue, republican or democrat, liberal or conservative, and in many cases, ‘libertarian,’ instead of brainwashed idiots. It has always been the case that when people gather in herds, all legitimate brain activity ceases to exist, and these particular groups are the epitome of stupidity. They have never been able to figure out that they were trained and goaded into hating each other, so that the few could control the many with ease. As just one recent case in point, here are some average voters; a politician and some residents of Jackson, Mississippi, the hell-hole of the country, attempting to place the blame for murder on a Texaco gas station instead of their depraved neighbors who did the killing. This is truly asinine. I guess now we will get anti-gas station legislation.

But off course, most still cling to the idiocy that ‘we’ have to select the lesser of evils, when in fact, there is no such thing. Evil is evil, period, and any who voluntarily choose to vote for evil in the name of ‘lesser,’ have lost every conceivable aspect of sanity they may once have possessed. This is indicative of a society of dependent indifferent fools awaiting their next handout, so they can live on their subsidized cell phones playing games, while mounting up extreme debt that they will never satisfy. But no worries, as they can ‘vote’ to have others pay for their criminal dependency.

The many still cling to the misguided notion that government is necessary to prevent chaos, when in fact, all are living in the hell of extreme chaos and insanity every single day of their lives; chaos that has worsened throughout history, especially in this country falsely labeled as free. Most all are blind to this reality, and this lack of sight is accepted as normal instead of being viewed as cowardice in the face of tyranny. This is what happens in any kept society; one dependent on a master class to rule over them.

A huge percentage of all the reporting of today’s events is still getting to the brainless masses through the mainstream media and the criminal government and political class. In addition, most of the alternative reporting sites are little more than controlled opposition. This has led to the inundation of false news, lies, propaganda, and contradiction, which only supports confusion, division, and a mass ignorance of facts. If these efforts were not so easily accomplished, some hope would remain, but I fear that this totally hypocritical culture is now lost in a pigsty of dependence and mindlessness.

I take risk every day just to write the truth so that the miniscule few who might listen and take heed, and actually think for themselves, will have a better opportunity to grasp an individual awakening, and may take the opportunity to do so. They need not take what I say as valid without scrutiny, but finding out the truth through one’s own research and study is vital in any attempt to understand the world in which you live. One of the reasons I am writing less for free these days, articles publicly available for everyone to read, is because it is a total waste of time. Speaking to the choir is one thing, but attempting to enlighten those who have no intention of actually learning and accepting truth, those who would on their own not attempt to research and find credible information, seems an effort in futility.

I will press on, as freedom is my passion, and I choose to live as free as possible within this horrendous and evil system. It is nothing more than a bed of prepared serfdom so willingly accepted and supported by the maddening crowd. No ‘voting,’ no new government, no new rulers, and no reform is worth seeking, as this system is not just fatally flawed, it is immoral and wicked at the very core.

“He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more.”

~ P.G. Wodehouse



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