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U.S. Nuclear Hypocrisy is Laughable but Deadly

Trump announced that the U.S. has pulled out of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), and of course it is the fault of Russia. It is widely reported that the U.S. and Russia have over 90% of all the nuclear weapons on earth. In addition, the U.S. spends more than all other countries combined on its nuclear program, and certainly on its military. But does anyone actually believe that what is being reported is honest? Do any think that the U.S. government reports the real truth about its nuclear weapons? Is anyone that gullible?

It is this writer’s opinion that U.S. and Russian reports of what weapons are actually available and active are mere propaganda and lies. In other words, no one outside the ruling elite knows exactly how many nuclear weapons are active and available at any given time. One thing is for sure, both have enough nukes to destroy the planet, so much of this argument is moot.

Trump’s latest hypocrisy is simply a ploy to increase the U.S. nuclear arsenal, not reduce it. By blaming Russia for not following the nuclear treaty and opting out, Trump has created a green light for increased production of nuclear weapons. The news of late has been that Russia has much more sophisticated nuclear capabilities, and this would be reason enough for Trump and his administration to pull out of the treaty. This of course opens the door to create more, not less, nuclear weapons in the future.

The U.S. has threatened the use of nukes on many occasions, and of course is the only country on earth that has used nuclear weapons to murder hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki after Japan had agreed to surrender, are the two single largest terrorist attacks the world has ever known. And the U.S. to this day continues to threaten the use of nuclear weapons against other countries.

As an aside, Israel has never joined the treaty, and has never complied with any nuclear reduction. No one knows how many nukes are in Israel, but more than 200 is likely. But Trump did not mention Israel even once, his only target used to complete his propaganda coup in order to clear the way for more nukes was the hated Russia. A very telling clue to be certain.

The idiocy of these faux political arguments is astounding to say the least. Every human on earth could be destroyed immediately with the current stockpile of nuclear weapons available in Russia or the United States. Is this what is sought by these scum in power, the total annihilation of human kind? Is anyone that crazy?

Concerning Trump and this news, it might be important to know that in 2017 Boeing and Northrup Grumman were “awarded” huge contracts by the U.S. Air Force to build all new long range intercontinental ballistic missiles to replace older models. Does this sound like the U.S. ever had any intention of reducing its arsenal in the first place? Was it even considered? With the new missile contract, the Air Force “wants the new missile to remain in service until 2075, and making it future-friendly, with open architecture engineering that allows easy component upgrades is essential to keeping them in service for an estimated 45 years. The missiles will constantly be on alert, and need a high level of reliability, especially if nuclear disarmament doesn’t quite work out.”

And I bet everyone reading this thought Trump just now decided to end U.S. participation in the treaty because it is Russia’s fault, and most also believe the Cold War ended in 1991. This level of ignorance and apathy says a lot about the idiocy of the American mind, and shines a bright light on a future of war, tyranny, civil unrest, and genocide.

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