Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Police StateTyranny

Unending Police Murder

Another killer has been let loose on the public. A deputy from Sonoma County, California who recently killed a 13 year old has been cleared for duty, duty that may lead to another senseless killing of an innocent citizen. That citizen could even be a child.

Deputy Erick Gelhaus is back on the street and ready for action. said that “Gelhaus is back on duty after being put on leave (paid vacation) for the shooting death of a teen armed (emphasis mine) with a replica rifle. We’re glad to have you back, officer!”

Convenient language for a murderer, and a pat on the back to boot. Had this heinous crime been committed by any average person , and under the exact same circumstances, they would have gone to prison for murder. That is not the fate when a crime of murder is committed by a uniformed goon working for the police. In fact, he gets rewarded for this behavior.

Gelhaus and another officer happened to see 13 year old Andy Lopez walking to his friend’s house at 3:15 in the afternoon. Andy was carrying a small plastic BB gun with a transparent middle section that fired plastic pellets. Although Gelhaus was a firing range instructor, and has 24 years of gun knowledge, he said he didn’t know the difference in a toy gun and the real thing. Actually he took no time to distinguish any difference as tragedy happened almost instantly.

Gelhaus had his partner pull within 30 feet of the teenager, took cover, and yelled at Andy Lopez to “drop the gun.” When Lopez turned as was natural, he was gunned down immediately when Gelhaus fired 7 killing rounds. The entire incident took only about 10 seconds, and this young teenager was dead.

Gelhaus claimed that he was fearful for his life, and given that most police are cowards, Gelhaus has helped to prove that fact. But cowardice is not all that is involved with evil people like Gelhaus. Will Grigg today reported what Gelhaus said in 2008 in SWAT magazine:

“Today is the day you may need to kill someone in order to go home. If you cannot turn on the `mean gene’ for yourself, who will?… Taking some kind of action — any kind of action — is critical.”

This statement exposes the mindset of not only Gelhaus, but of the police in general in their continuous effort to protect so-called “officer safety” at any cost, even at the cost of children’s lives. Obviously, little if any threat at all is necessary for today’s criminal police to gun down innocent citizens.

Not that it should be any surprise to anyone, but Gelhaus had drawn a gun without provocation during a routine traffic stop of a Santa Rosa resident just two months before the killing of Andy Lopez. The stop was made for failing to use a turn signal. I guess, at least according to Gelhaus, that caused enough fear of officer safety for him to turn on his “mean gene” and “take action.”

How many others will be gunned down for no valid reason by cops before the “public” takes action. These cops should be disarmed, and any who harm any citizen unnecessarily should face dire consequences. Little time is left until this police state is in full control.


