Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

ConstitutionCourtsCybersecurityFascismPolice StatePrivacyTyranny

Unconstitutional? No, Constitutional Failure

Here we go again with another corrupt court and a freedom destroying ruling. This is nothing new, but nonetheless very disturbing. For those few who love liberty, this ruling is another lesson learned about the tyrannical state, but for the rest of the apathetic sheep it is of little consequence.

A federal court circut judge has thrown out a lawsuit filed by the ACLU that would prevent the government, in this case the Department of Homeland Security, (DHS) from searching without cause all laptop computers, cellphones and any other electronic devices at U.S. border checkpoints. Nevermind the fact that any unwarranted search of any kind at U.S. border checkpoints or anywhere else is completely against individual rights and against freedom, but this just expands an already unconstitutional practice. Once again, this ruling just solidifies the fact that the Constitution is nothing but a worthless piece of parchment, and its failure to protect any of our rights is proof enough of this certainty.

As correctly stated by the great Lysander Spooner:

“But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.”

The government and its idiot agents of force already search and steal the contents of many thousands of innocent citizen’s private computer contents at or somewhat close to the borders. These violations of privacy and theft are mostly done with little if any suspicion of criminal activity. Therefore it is wrong, immoral and tyrannical.

The corrupt and dishonest judge in question here is Judge Edward Korman, and in his ruling he wrote that the ACLU did not have any standing to dispute DHS searches because:

“there is not a substantial risk that their electronic devices will be subject to a search or seizure without reasonable suspicion.”

He also added comments about the border patrol’s sensitivity to the privacy of its victims. That is a pure lie, and in fact is a full load of malarkey!   

The U.S. federal courts are nothing more than partners in the nation state’s crimes. The courts are the venue and the judges are the facillitators of the state’s criminal and tyrannical behavior. That is simply because the federal courts and the state are one and the same. As with the rest of this fascist government, the federal courts should be abolished.

