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U.S. Withdrawal From Syria Conditional?

Everything concerning high levels of government is conditional. Nothing is as it is portrayed, nothing is the whole truth. In other words, nothing can be believed, and deceit is the norm in this as most any political arena.

Trump’s recent braggadocios remarks and tweets concerning Syria gained him much publicity, and scorn from the warmongering element of not only his party, but many Democrats as well. Once again however, things are not what they seem. At least for those who are much too willing to embrace Trump’s words as honest. Honesty is not a required component in American politics today.

News today coming from Trump’s war loving national security advisor John Bolton confirms the Syria withdrawal lie. Trump said he will not withdraw U.S. forces from Syria unless Turkey will not attack Kurdish allies in northern Syria, Turkish aggression he was aware of all along. This condition is meant to give him political cover for his failure to uphold his promise of withdrawing all troops from the region. Apparently his handlers made an offer he could not refuse, and he quickly backtracked and complied.

The Trump administration won’t withdraw U.S. forces from northern Syria unless Turkey offers a firm commitment not to target America’s Kurdish allies. this came from White House national security adviser John Bolton Sunday. “Timetables or the timing of the withdrawal occurs as a result of the fulfillment of the conditions and the establishment of the circumstances that we want to see,” he said.

Trump is now stating that the withdrawal he guaranteed is not so simple, and “requires careful coordination with allies, including Turkey and Israel.” The conclusion that should be drawn here is patently obvious, as Turkey considers, and rightfully so, that the Syrian rebels are the real terrorists, and Israel wants only more war against Syria, and wants the U.S. involved in a war with Iran. Where does that leave Trump and his fake “trumped” up plan to end the war of aggression against Syria? Apparently, it leaves him doing as he is told to make sure war continues.

The setup is now in place so that leaving U.S. troops in Syria for an indefinite period of time is possible, and maintaining control of that airspace is not only likely, but virtually assured. With air power in place, supporting military force will remain in place, as more excuses will surface justifying U.S. continued involvement in Syria.

The media will for the most part support these decisions, and will back Trump’s deviation from his promise to withdraw as a new course to assure America’s so-called “national security.” This is in reality an evil joke, but one that bodes very serious future consequences for all of us.

Trump is not the political outsider he is believed to be by his gullible followers, including those who claim libertarian principles. He is controlled, and will continue to talk big, but in the end, he will acquiesce to the real power when forced to do so. He angered the military industrial complex, the banking system, and Israel with his boastful, self centered mockery of a real war that is killing real people.

Everything is an egotistical game for Trump, but innocent civilians are being slaughtered in this game of war transferred from one administration to the next. It is never-ending madness, but that is what sustains the deep state here, and its complicit international collaborators abroad.

It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder. ~Albert Einstein

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