Paul Joseph Watson of wrote this story today about the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) violently taking a camera from a traveler in Puerto Rico, and deleting the content. The man in question, Tom McCormack, explained what happened as recorded in Watson’s article.
The bottom line is that even though it is not illegal to film the TSA checkpoints, passengers are often harassed, and in some cases, are the victims of theft by TSA agents. This has now become a common practice. First, TSA agents are the lowest class among us; government “employed” perverts at best, and do not want to be filmed. These tactics are meant to intimidate, and most American sheep are easily intimidated, and usually comply due to fear.
Mr. McCormack obviously was not frightened, and gave an accounting of this incident. If any think this minor, and not worthy of news, think again. The more people who stand down and allow themselves to be intimidated by the state, the worse the abuse will become. Eventually, no freedom will remain, and those timid Americans who allow themselves to be ruled over and ordered about, will find they are living in a total police state; and are nothing more than slaves to tyranny!