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Trump’s Syria Hype and Reality

The euphoria by those reaching for straws surrounding Trump’s announcement to pull all troops out of Syria seems now to be subsiding somewhat. The news changes every day, but have all the U.S. troops been sent home as Trump promised? Of course not, and reality once again defies rhetoric. Making bold statements and actually following through to the letter never happens with politicians. Trump is no different.

After all the bluster, all the hype, and all the unwarranted libertarian praise for Trump, will his supporters once again look like fools? I think that is a foregone conclusion. Regardless of his “non-establishment” credentials, he is still just another controlled politician, and now insider, who will in the end do as he is told.

As I write this, neocon and murder proponent Lyndsey Graham is all of a sudden optimistic about the “plan” to leave Syria. Trump is the Commander-in-Chief, so if he says the troops must come home, why all the delay? Well, it takes time to backtrack and make it look like something else, to save face until the next braggadocios tweet.

As Graham announced this past weekend, Trump’s Syria plan is a “pause situation,” not a withdrawal. If so, why would anyone be surprised? As Graham put it, the troops will not leave until “ISIS is permanently destroyed, Iran doesn’t fill in the back end, and our Kurdish allies are protected.” If this is so, they will not leave at all, or will some troops be brought home, while covert operations continue, hidden from view, and that deception covered up by the media.

ISIS is a U.S. created monster, and has been and is still supported, funded, and armed by the U.S. and its allies. So if ISIS is really defeated, what new terrorist group will the U.S. create as the next enemy to war against?

It might be useful to review a little history here. Regardless of claims, has the U.S. left Iraq as is reported, or are troops and bases still evident? Is the U.S. still warring against and continually bombing Afghanistan? Is the U.S. still prosecuting its brutal slaughter and destruction of Yemen with the Saudis? Is the U.S. still practicing savagery in most of Northern Africa? Do many other brutal conflicts around the world with NATO or other allied assistance have U.S. involvement? The answer to all these questions is a resounding yes!

The last thing the banking, corporate, and political factions want is an end to war. Peace is not profitable to these entities, and peace destroys the power of the controllers in favor of the masses.

I do not understand the bandwagon effect that is evident from those so-called anti-government hypocrits who hope and wish that Trump is somehow different, and that he is a savior. While Trump is applauded for claiming that Syria is over, when nothing has actually changed, he is involved in and prosecuting the slaughter and murder of those in Yemen, Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world at the same time. In addition, many other proxy wars with U.S. support continue. Trump is not anti-war!

Politicians are natural liars, and deception is their tool of choice. Don’t be fooled so easily. It is best to wait for real results before lauding those unscrupulous snake oil salesmen called “leaders.” They are the puppets of the more powerful, and they are the scourge of humanity.

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