Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


Totalitarianism at High Speed

2014 has just begun, but in only the first three days of government ‘business,” 141 new regulations have been put into place. A staggering 119 of these new regulations (restrictions against the individual) actually establish a new rule. Imagine what the rest of this year will bring.

The largest number of regulations come from the evil Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and deal with restrictions and mandates concerning energy and the “environment.” These mandates this year will cap carbon dioxide emissions which will virtually shut down coal fired power plants. Some other mandates due to these new rules will force additional testing for residential furnace fans. Many other new rules will dramatically and adversely affect all Americans, and this government is already working on an additional 134 new regulations in these areas for the near future.

There is no need to go into detail about each and every one of these very restrictive government rules. The bottom line to all this tyrannical government rulemaking is that all of us will be greatly harmed. Jobs will be lost nationwide, electricity and all other energy costs will rise and consumer costs in a myriad of areas will skyrocket.

Since most of these increases in costs to the consumer will be in areas of essential needs, there will be little chance of cost shifting in order to sustain living standards. That means that most all will be worse off financially, which will equate to having less, doing less and working more just to make ends meet.

This government as any of my readers understand is a fascist oligarchy intent on total control of the population. With that control comes more socialism, welfare and dependency. With that increased dependency, more freedoms are lost. Since there are few freedoms left, this will cause a very tenuous and critical situation for individuals and families.

A continuation of these horrible restrictive policies by this totalitarian government will be the driving force that will quickly push this country toward total ruin.

