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Banking and FinanceCentral BankingFederal ReserveGovernmentMoney LaunderingThe Patriot Act

The TD Bank Scandal: Corruption, Fraud, Hypocrisy, and the Fools Who Buy It

By: Gary D. Barnett

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”

~ Henry Ford

I am going to break away for just a moment from the murder, slaughter, weather manipulation, famine, floods, poisoning, pharmaceutical and medical killing, fires, chemical explosions, mass surveillance, AI, and genocide, and talk about banks and finance. In particular, I am going to discuss the recent Toronto-Dominion Bank’s (TD Bank) pleading guilty to ‘money’ (fiat currency) laundering for drug cartels. I imagine there will be much sarcasm in this essay, as this theater is meant to prop up the notion that the U.S. banking regulators actually have an interest in policing the criminal banking industry. They do not of course, as they are all criminals themselves. The bottom line here is that one bank was openly caught doing what most banks do every day, so the hypocrisy begins.

As a quick aside, the banking cartels run the world, and are corrupt and criminal to the core. All government is corrupt and evil as well, and these entities, among many others, work together to harm everyone else while they create great wealth and power for themselves. So any notion that this so-called spanking of TD Bank is anything other than fakery and total bullshit, is asinine.

To summarize in a nutshell what has just happened, U.S. banking ‘regulators’ have just fined TD Bank about $3 billion dollars, among  other things, and even though this is hyped as the largest ever penalty under the Bank Secrecy Act, it is but a drop in the bucket of collusion, that will just help to sweep under the rug the true crimes of banks and governments. As the ‘regulators’ pretend to be the good guys, they will as the old saying goes, laugh all the way to the bank. Of course, one of this bank’s major clients was none other than Jeffrey Epstein, after he was a known perverted child molester. How many of Epstein’s clients were bankers from across the country and world after all, how many were at TD Bank, and how many march to the tune of the piper due to the fact they put themselves in a position to be blackmailed?

I do have a somewhat expanded knowledge in the area of banking and finance, as I was a registered principal with the SEC, and owned a full service brokerage firm for 31 years. I was in that business when these so-called anti-money laundering ‘laws’ were put in place by the long-planned and premeditated drafting of the Patriot Act, and believe me when I say that they had absolutely nothing to do with actually stopping any money laundering or real crimes,  and much to do with monitoring the entire population. I wrote about this after it was implemented, (here, here, and here) and was threatened for doing so, as one of my articles got republished in a Washington D.C. paper, causing a bit of a stir within my parent company.

I will preface the rest of my statements by saying that in my opinion, the activity of laundering money is not a real crime, but a farce, as most every single ‘law’ passed by governments is bogus and controlling. Money laundering only exists because governments regulate every single human activity here, stealing all it has, and laundering money is just a way to get government and the IRS slime off your back. In the case of this criminal bank called TD Bank, the laundering of money pales in comparison to all its other crimes, that are always left untouched by these same so-called ‘regulators.’ If honesty was ever present in the media, many unasked questions would be forthcoming.

TD Bank confessed to laundering money for the drug cartels. But who is the biggest drug dealer in the world, that also controls much if not most of the drug trade? I believe that would be the CIA. That institution has been running drugs for as long as it has existed. It is a part of government, and who will get the $3 billion fine from this bank? Well, the government will, via the Treasury, a couple of its agencies, and the Federal Reserve, will get that money, and that will allow them to buy even more drugs, and then launder the money at a different bank. What a coup!

TD Bank has total assets of $1.420 trillion, a market value of $100 billion, and revenue of over $75 billion, so the’ largest fine’ in banking history is just pennies on the dollar for this bank. This fine is being touted by the ‘regulators’ and the media, as gargantuan, “the largest ever penalty.” It seems that they expect no one in this braindead population to be able to understand the numbers, and they are likely correct in that assumption. Maybe those running TD Bank can just wait for the coming next pandemic, and petition the Treasury to give all that money back, taken out of thin air of course, at the expense of all you loyal citizens. Around and around we go in this circular pit of financial evil.

So far, ………



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