By: Gary D. Barnett
“But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.”
~ Hermann Goring
Conversations and debate are forever constant concerning the fate of this country and the world, but since most all of this population is consumed by indifference, dependency, technological insanity, and cowardice, the people go along just as was described by Hermann Goring about the masters (rulers) they alone allow to exist. In this totalitarian digital age that is rapidly advancing to levels not imagined in the past, it is prudent to listen to what Einstein prophesied long ago when he said; “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” That time has already arrived, and in fact, is now far into the second generation of idiots, (and many more) and it is fast becoming the mainstay of most all communication and social interaction taking place in what once was a more closely-knit society bound by a more harmonious reaction to each other.
The plot at hand here should now be obvious, but apparently it is not, which is no surprise to me, as I have watched, studied, and researched the reaction of Americans to the all-out tyranny that has now taken over this population for several decades, and come to the stark conclusion that most all desire to be willing slaves to this worthless and evil governing system. While a continuous string of distractions under the guise of emergencies, manipulated weather events, acts of war and genocide, fake ‘viruses,’ idiotic ‘woke’ madness, trans insanity, poisonous and deadly chemtrails, glyphosate, and other intentionally delivered toxins, monetary, debt, economic suicide, among many other threats and fake threats, have inundated this country, but the most likely scenario that will bring about a completely enslaved society is being mostly ignored.
This threat, which is very real, is the linchpin in the globalist plot to digitize every single asset on earth, leading to the collapse and/or purposeful destruction of this economic and monetary system that is now so riddled with astronomical debt, that nothing can save it. This ruling system’s nefarious efforts to claim ownership of everything on earth is the direct result of all that has been plotted and designed by this government and its masters to date. This totalitarian and technocratic plot of total control is already well underway, but many, including most of the so-called alternative media, are quick to attempt to dispel any notion that would lend credibility to the fact that this attempt to monetize every asset and property on earth is going forward at what seems to be breakneck speed.
The idea behind this plot is nothing new, but it has achieved great momentum these past few years, especially considering the fake and completely bogus ‘covid pandemic’ that set the stage and allowed for the State and its entire political class to begin its final march toward a completely new system of rule based on the mass bulk of society owning nothing, while remaining fully dependent on government for every aspect of life.
The essence of this terrifying scheme rests on the ability of those like Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street, with others as well of course, to tokenize everything so as to create a single asset class that would ensnare every piece of land, all natural assets, including mountains, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, all other waterways, all private property, all while claiming State ownership of everything under the sun. This is a plot to securitize absolutely everything, create massive new fake markets, which would immediately lead to controlled digitized currency, social credit scores, even more mass surveillance than already exists, and restrictions and regulations unheard of in past history. This will be meant to create a single world market controlled by the very few at the top of the power pyramid, as explained by the evil Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock.
All of this of course, would likely have to be based on some sort of blockchain system, which is the desired monetary system sought by those who wish to rule over all others. The rise and acceptance of Bitcoin, and a few other digital (or crypto) assets, Bitcoin’s huge moves and acceptance since the selection of the evil Trump, and the infusion of hypocritical and asinine ideology of Elon Musk, have allowed the ruling sector of this country to position itself quite nicely given its desire to claim total ownership of everything on earth.
All financial assets, all “natural capital,” including water, power, electricity, all biological systems, all medical care and facilities, all natural resources, including everything above and below ground, all food, and all climate-related hogwash will be confiscated. This would quickly lead to …………
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