Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

FascismMartial LawMilitaryPolice StateTyrannyWar

The Police State Gets Another Armored Tank

Does this look like a local police tool or a killing machine of brutal war? Joe Saunders of wrote about this atrocity here. The picture below came from that article.


The Salinas, California Police Department, actually those cowardly savages at SWAT, have  acquired from the U.S. military at the expense of the taxpayers, a heavily armored tank sporting a machine gun turret. This armored vehicle is meant to survive mine explosions. This is a machine of war, and the only reason that a domestic police department would own such a mass killing machine is because they are preparing for warring against the American citizens.

These war machines being distributed to local police are not to combat gangs or common criminals, but to subdue and harm individual Americans who are not in lock step with the government policy.

Of course the cretin police chief in Salinas, Kelly McMillin, denied that this machine of terror would be used in any way against the citizens of Salinis, and even went so far as to say that their police department was not “militarizing.” He must assume that he is talking to idiots, but for the sake of the residents in Salinas, I hope they band together and get rid of this machine of murder before it is being used to patrol the city streets.

Get ready my friends, as this trend is now expanding across the country,  even including in small cities in my state of Montana. This nation state called the United States is already a police state, and the fascist U.S. government, the military and now the local and state police, are arming for a full scale war against the civilian population. When the police state turns to martial law in order to control the people, these machines of war will be turned against all of us. By then, it will be too late to disarm the murderous police and other agents of the state!





