Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Police StatePrivacyTyranny

The Police State Barbarians Are the Police Themselves

“If we have to get a warrant…We’re gonna shoot and kill your dogs.” This threat by the police was told directly to Kansas City, Kansas resident Eric Crinnian, who just happens to be an attorney. Those heathens in uniform had no cause or right to search this gentleman’s home in the first place, but that did not stop from threatening him with great harm.

The police were out looking for what they claimed were parole violators, and when they accosted Crinnian and he denied knowing anything about the “two guys” they were looking for, they wanted to search his home anyway, and without a warrant. When he refused, the police became belligerent and threatening. These threats were serious.

As stated in this article in, Crinnian said:

“I have no idea who you’re talking about I’ve never heard of these people before.”

Then he said one police officer started threatening him saying, “if we have to get a warrant, we’re going to come back when you’re not expecting it, we’re going to park in front of your house, where all you neighbors can see, we’re gonna bust in your door with a battering ram, we’re gonna shoot and kill your dogs, who are my family, and then we’re going to ransack your house looking for these people.”

A local professor of criminal justice administration at park University, who also is a retired police officer with the Kansas City Police Department, told the local Fox News station that the officer’s threats may not even be illegal. What a comforting thought, but in a police state such as we live in today, and it will get much worse, laws are there only for the serf-like citizens, not the ruling class’s agents of force in state costumes. They are simply the thugs who are commissioned to keep the masses in line, regardless of the gross abuse of the rights of the citizenry.

When will there be massive outrage due to the brutal and murderous behavior of those who are prosecuting these police state tactics against the people? When will the apathetic citizens begin to defend themselves from these attacks by the very corrupt police and other agents of the state? Why are most Americans not willing to treat these aggressive and deadly invasions by the police the same as if it were being done by common violent criminals? The only difference in common criminals and the police is that the police are much more dangerous because they have little to fear from the courts for their crimes. Even at this recent stage of tyranny, they are literally immune from prosecution.

What will happen when no rules whatsoever apply to the police and domestically placed military? What will you do if the police threaten to harm your family or kill your pets if you don’t bow to their false authority?

As a non-aggressor, I believe in using peaceful means to protect inherent natural rights. That is all important if honest freedom and liberty are sought. But even though I believe in the non-aggression principle, I am no pacifist. I believe completely that the only legitimate use of force is for actual self defense, and if life, family or property are actively threatened by common criminal or police, appropriate measures should be taken. Living in fear should never be an option, because living in fear leads directly to tyranny and totalitarian rule.





