Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


The Nuclear Arms Race Will Lead to the End

First, Trump opts out of the intermediate-range nuclear treaty (INF) after blaming Russia for his decision. Blaming Russia was just a ruse meant to gain cover for his agenda of a build up of U.S. nuclear weapons, including placing nukes on the Russian border. In addition, the U.S. wants nuclear control over China as well.

In turn, Putin had little choice, so the next day he pulled out of the INF. The result of this move by Trump will be to initiate another nuclear arms race, something that will be a boon to the military industrial complex, and will justify spending hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to build more weapons. The U.S. already has enough nuclear weapons to destroy the entire earth, but will now have a massive buildup of weapons enriching those corporations dependent on war.

What is not being discussed in the media is where this will lead. This is so very dangerous, but no one in the mainstream is even discussing the matter. The U.S. through its executive mouthpiece and his neocon handlers are threatening Russia and China, the two most powerful nations other than America. Now, with a new buildup of nuclear capabilities, the U.S. is antagonizing two nuclear powerhouses. What can be gained from this idiocy?

What is clear is that nuclear war would destroy all, there would be no winner. A nuclear race without war will only benefit the corporate elite due to the fascist relationship evident between government and the military industrial complex. This could be a multi-trillion dollar scam, but the risk of war is enormous. In the case of nuclear weapons, one mistake could mean disaster, and a mistake by an egotistical and maniacal president such as Trump could snowball into world destruction.

The U.S. propaganda machine is already in high gear, and ignorant Americans believe that Russia has caused this madness. Nothing could be further from the truth, as Russia has much to gain with a nuclear treaty in place. This is another U.S. plan to foment instability in an attempt to gain domination over Russia and China. But these nations are not Syria or Libya, they have large and powerful forces, and full nuclear capabilities. This makes for monstrous risk, and for what purpose other than a U.S. attempt at imperial domination?

I once thought it possible that the American people at large would wake up and see the truth, and with that awakening stop the onslaught of tyrannical government that is so evident today. I no longer have any expectation that the general masses will ever come to their senses. This is not based on pessimism or cynicism, but is in this writer’s mind a reality.

