The very misguided pattern of so-called “conservative” Republicans has once again been fully exposed for all to see. The catalyst serving to uncover this idiocy lies in what I call Benghazi mania.
I will preface the rest of my statements by saying that the Benghazi incident should not be taken lightly, and in fact should be considered an event worthy of an impeachment proceeding to remove Obama from office, but it is minor in comparison to the massive amount of criminal activity that is rampant in this administration and in this entire government at all levels.
In my opinion, the killings in Benghazi of an ambassador and others were the result of a CIA gun-running operation that was found out. It took place at the largest CIA Operations Center in that region, (there is no consulate there) where a meeting was taking place to hide the fact that the U.S. was illegally supplying guns and weaponry to terrorists in Syria. These guns were going to members of the Muslim Brotherhood and Syrian rebels; rebels that were and are terrorists doing the bidding of the United States government. That is actually a bigger story and conspiracy that the actual events being argued about today in Benghazi.
The agenda of Republicans here is only to find anything possible to harm Obama, so as to lead eventually to more Republicans getting elected. It is not to do the right thing, or to expose the gargantuan corruption evident in American politics today, for to do that would destroy both parties, as both are examples of unbridled corruption and criminal activity.
While every news headline is focused on the Benghazi cover up, the more important issues are kept hidden. Unending wars of aggression and occupation continue, more wars are planned, many countries are threatened with military attacks on a continuous basis, government spending is out of control, money pumping of trillions of non-existent dollars goes on daily, the murder of innocents is rampant, assassinations of Americans is now “legal” and active, and false flag terrorist attacks inside the U.S. are being prosecuted or supported by the U.S. government, the FBI and the CIA. Socialist “health care” is now law, with mandated changes with dire consequences just around the corner, 30,000 drones are slated to be in the skies very soon, total surveillance of the population is now solidly in place, a police state environment is present, and Martial Law was recently implemented on a very large scale.
I could go on and on and on, but it should be brutally obvious that the killings themselves in Beghazi fall far down the list of importance considering the other scandalous and deplorable deeds being committed by the very evil United States government and its partners in crime.
The Republicans have but one agenda in this case, and it is politically self serving; it is not for the interest of liberty or truth. For to expose the truth, the Republicans would also expose their total complicity in criminal behavior and corruption. The same is true of the Democrats, but currently, and most likely briefly, so-called “conservatives” have the upper hand.
One must look at every political event, every exposure of corruption, and every allegation by politicians with intense scrutiny, regardless of party. The same should hold true of any report coming from the mainstream media, for it is as corrupt as politics, but then it is entirely entwined and controlled by the political system.
Do you wonder what happened to the extreme nuclear threat of North Korea? What happened to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and the reporting about the so-called Boston bombing? Why hasn’t Tsarnaev or his attorney come forward, and why are there no questions from the mainstream media? Why is there virtually zero questions being asked about Sandy Hook or Aurora? What happened to the threat of Mali and Algeria? What happened to the eminent threat of Iran? What happened to the reporting about those chemical weapons (U.S. supplied to terrorist rebels) in Syria? What happened?