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The Fatal Flaws in David Rogers Webb’s Solutions to “The Great Taking”

By: Gary D. Barnett

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“Public banking would be like a utility. Any profits would be returned to the ‘public,’ or used to support government. We have to have government, we have to have some way to operate society, and have roads and do things that work for society, so anarchy and ‘chaos,’ we can’t have that, so this has to be done peacefully, it has to be done “legally” ………….

David Rogers Webb — “The Great Taking”

Firstly, there is so much wrong with this statement, that it is difficult to know where to begin, especially since Webb does an incredible job of explaining the intricacies of the thieving intent of all government and financial systems. Much, if not most, of his initial analysis concerning government, corporate structures, banking, and the deep state’s plot to steal every asset on earth, is spot on, but in his effort to find blanket solutions to this dilemma, he destroys his own argument to such an extent as to have failed miserably to understand the real evil of the State. Because of this, his arguments are destroyed by his own naiveté, and his completely misinformed opinions concerning the immoral and vile aspects of government; all government.

I read and listened to Webb’s piece of work months ago, but never quite got around to dissecting all that he said, and not just his correct opinions about the premise for his work here. It can be easy to overlook indiscretions when someone’s basic understanding of the problem is so accurate, but one is compelled to look at the big picture, including the entirety of his position in order to make informed decisions about it.

As to his quote above, I will begin with that statement. The term ‘public’ is incorrect and worthless from the outset. There is no such thing as ‘public.’ All of society is referred to as the ‘public,’ as if each and every one of us is in that same specific group; a gross referral meant to elude to the notion that all is based on collectivism and collective thought, and that no individuality or uniqueness is evident. Utilities are considered ‘public’, as are government lands and property, all businesses large and small that are open to the general population, parks, national forests, entireties of populations, State buildings, museums, rivers, etc. This is done so as to brainwash the herd of masses into believing that they are part and parcel of, and actually own these entities and properties. There can be only one of two owners of these assets and properties; either they are private, or they are government. There is no combining of the two, as no one holds title to any government property as individuals, whether considered all of society or not.

His next point is to claim that illegitimate ‘public’ money and property, should be returned to the ‘public,’ (how could that possibly be done?) and used to support the very government that stole it all in the first place. In this way, he is simply lumping all so-called ‘public’ property and government together as one, meaning everything is controlled by government. He goes on to say, that “we have to have government, we have to have some way (government) to “operate” (control by force) society. From this confusing thought, he assumes that we cannot ever have anarchy, without even knowing the real meaning of the term. Of course, he combines all anarchy as “chaos,” which is completely backward. This country and most all the world are, and have always been, in total chaos and war, and it has never been more evident than it is today where anarchy is absent and government is all-consuming.

To finish this one convoluted misrepresentation of facts, he then calls for all solutions to be done “legally.” The term ‘legal,’ a ridiculous notion to be sure, means naught, and is nothing more than the State’s effort to claim dominion over everything in life based upon the illicit and criminal acceptance of government’s evil and arbitrary ‘laws.’ It is a way to negate all natural law in favor of immoral State ‘laws.’ In other words, the use of the term ‘legal’ by the State, is just a rejection of individual sovereignty in favor of tyrannical government rule.

Note: I am publishing this article for free to all subscribers. In order to get all my articles in full, please consider becoming a paid subscriber to my Substack site, where you can get all archives, and also comment with others in my comment section. Subscribe at: Gary’s Substack Subscription

With all that said, Webb’s basic premise for “The Great Taking” is nearly completely correct, at least in the sense of the complicated nature of using the State’s ‘laws’ to combine all assets into a single pot, immorally use them as collateral for criminal money-making schemes, and when the system fails, as is the intent, the plan is to take all assets to divide among the criminal class, and eliminate all wealth from the masses. Once this plot comes to fruition, the proletariat will be fully dependent on the State; the desired outcome, of course.. The crucial linchpin in this takeover scenario, is the implementation of all digital systems, so that total control over the population can go forward without resistance. AI and the digitization of all society and monetary policy, is another solution promoted by Webb, in the vein of being efficient, but at the same time, he suggests that money should be controlled from a central source; once again the exact opposite of what should occur in any free society.

This comes back to the ludicrous notion of ‘libertarians,’ and so-called ‘conservatives,’ who scream and preach “limited government” solutions, when all government that has ever existed, lives and breathes based only on the insane growth of power. It is impossible to use the most evil and corrupt system called government to downsize and redress that same government. It is ludicrous to think that voting a different tyrant into a position of power over you, will bring relief of totalitarian rule. The notion that “government must serve humanity” which is the opposite of all government intent, or that government would ever serve its subjects, is asinine on its face. Believing that there are those at the ‘top’ who will genuinely take heed due to the oppression of the people, as does Webb, is not only inaccurate, but shows a complete lack of understanding of the evils of government and rule.

‘His take is one that assumes that there are good people at the top of the power pyramid in government who will change their evil ways due to conscience. Per Webb, “The first step is to get this awareness up to the highest level, so that people realize, we don’t want this to happen, and its been taken to an insane extreme, and its not going to go well for anyone.”

So I suggest you take great heed from the warnings of David Rogers Webb’s explanation of the problems that have arisen in government, and its partners in crime in the corporate and banking world, as his explanation here is accurate in my opinion. But completely disregard his absurd solutions based upon begging the State to cure itself by listening to its subjects complaints, digitizing the financial system, voting, centralizing ‘private’ banking, (the Fed is centralized private banking) and expecting some sort of utopian society with a marriage between the most evil State and its enslaved ‘public.’  

“If any man’s money can be taken by a so-called government, without his own personal consent, all his other rights are taken with it; for with his money the government can, and will, hire soldiers to stand over him, compel him to submit to its arbitrary will, and kill him if he resists.”

 ~ Lysander Spooner

Reference link:

“The Great Taking Examined” by “The Quash”



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