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 The Big Picture, Distractions, and Reality

By: Gary D. Barnett

“The role of globalization is to homogenize all cultures, and to turn them into commodified markets, and therefore, to make them easier for global corporations to control. Global corporations are even now trying to commodify all remaining aspects of national cultures, not to mention indigenous cultures.”

~ Jerry Mander

I often discuss the phenomenon of the blindness of most, and the lack of effort and intellect evident in order for the sheep to accept and understand the big picture, instead of concentrating on all the minutia, and all the purposeful distractions being used by those who seek to gain massive power and control over them. Globalization as seen by the maddening crowd, is but a term used by those who expose literal conspiracy (mistakenly called ‘conspiracy theorists’) about the ruling cabal, and is usually at best, glossed over or completely ignored by the vast majority of the indoctrinated and uninformed populations. This is not unusual, but is certainly detrimental to any effort to stop the onslaught of State tyranny.

In the distant past, the line between fact and fiction, between perception and reality, and between the big picture and distraction was clearer, but in today’s insane technologically consumed world, everything is blurred while at the same time connected at every juncture. The big picture is still all important, and is based upon a globalist system run by technocrats, where mass surveillance and totally controlled populations are the norm. Therefore, the most dangerous agendas are dependent on mass digitization, central bank monetary control, government scrutiny of any and all private transactions, AI, control of all medical care and procedures, depopulation, democide, genocide, and war; whether cold, hot, or psychological in nature. Because of the State’s efforts to achieve this goal of a totalitarian existence for the masses, recognizing every aspect of the takeover plot is vital, so long as the big picture remains the primary focus of any resistance. As I described in September of 2022:

“The big picture is that the ruling ‘elites’ who make up the ruling class, and control governments, are attempting to take over this country and the world, in order to form a global ruling structure by the few based on technocratic governing models. This has been referred to as the “Great Reset,” but could be called any number of things; new world order immediately comes to mind. That is the central focus and the main agenda, and all the other aspects of this that are discussed, argued, fought over, singled out, and vetted incessantly, are the subplots and symptoms of a much larger problem. By breaking everything down to its parts, the focus of attention is spread thin, and each and every compartmentalization helps to hide the true agenda. It is not that these things are unimportant; quite the contrary, but separating them out and concentrating so much energy on each, simply helps to cover up the bigger problem.”


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Given the situation currently, threats of great magnitude are rampant, and coming from every direction at once by the globalist controllers who use their government pawns in an attempt to break down the resolve of the masses to such an extent as to destroy all aspects of any remaining freedom; if any has actually ever existed. While the big picture is all important, the multiple threats that will be used to enhance the race toward this globalist takeover, are spiraling out of control, causing great havoc.

Trump’s evil fascist tariffs have caused a global trade war, and the economic ramifications of such an atrocious protectionist policy, along with the intended extreme risk of war, possibly worldwide, has ratcheted up dramatically. This is of course by design, as the threat of war escalates.

In the midst of Trump’s heinous policies, he continues to be the lapdog of Zionist Israel, continues to support mass genocide with U.S. dollars, weapons, and military aggression, and is little more than a frontrunner of Israel, disregarding this country and the massive risk to Americans. He is basically a hitman for Netanyahu, bowing to his every command. This has been obvious for a very long time, but now he has ‘authorized’ a war against Yemen, actually a continuation and aggressive increase in murder, specifically meant to antagonize Iran. This is a Zionist plot to involve the U.S. in a full-scale Middle East war, all for the sole benefit of Israel’s desire to create its “Greater Israel Project.” At the same time, Israel has continued (never stopped) and increased its genocidal killing and destruction of Gaza and Palestine. If devils exist, they are now on full display, as Netanyahu and Trump revel in the slaughter of children and innocents.

Of course, with all else going on, Trump has renewed sending American dollars, weapons, and ‘intelligence’ to Ukraine after he stated he would end that war on his first day in office. This of course was an outright lie, and increases dramatically the tension with Russia. Now with the attack and threats against Yemen and Iran, a boiling point has been reached, increasing the risk of all-out war even more.

With all this horrific  interference, economic absurdity, and aggression, this economy is continuing its slide into likely depression, the debt is continuing to rise precipitously, prices on most goods and services continues to rise, as most Americans are racing toward the end of any ability to survive financially. This is only the tip of the iceberg, but no worries, as the big picture and main objectives of the ruling whores have not only continued, but have accelerated. Monetary Armageddon, biometrics, mass surveillance, AI, and the digitization of everything is still advancing, while Trump’s evil and immoral nature are reaching new levels of insanity. The U.S. is now but a pawn of Israel, and on the brink of collapse, and still there is virtually no real and active outrage from the pathetic majority.

The U.S. and the West are coming apart at the seams, but if one were to look critically at this miserable population, all that would be evident is mass indifference, apathy, immoral behavior, blind support of atrocities, gross ignorance, and sheer stupidity. As you watch and wait, ignoring reality, hiding, sleeping, and partying through it all, waiting for a ‘savior’ to protect and feed you, your only option left will be to perish in this hell on earth without ever lifting a finger to save yourself and family. If you are satisfied with this fate you have chosen that awaits you, congratulations, as the ‘utopia’ in death in which most of you cling, will come to fruition. If ‘immortality’ is what you seek, you soon may get your wish.

“Technological evolution is leading to something new: a worldwide, interlocked, monolithic, technical-political web of unprecedented negative proportions.”

~ Jerry Mander



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