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Targeted Narrative Broadcasting Leads to Programmed and Hypnotized Masses

By: Gary D. Barnett

“You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.”

~ Robert A. Heinlein, Revolt in 2100/Methuselah’s Children

Why is it so easy to distract, fool, confuse, direct, and manipulate the thoughts and actions of so many at once? It seems this has been an easy task for the State to achieve considering this fully gullible and indoctrinated American population. One of the linchpins of successful propaganda is to sprinkle some truth amidst the great abundance of lies. It takes very little to distract the non-thinking crowd, so the efforts by the ruling class to divert attention from the core tyranny, the big picture if you will, is to concentrate thought to many different areas at once. This tactic is being used constantly against the weak-minded American ‘public,’ who are led around as if they all had a ring in their nose.

The big picture of course is the fact that government, all government, rule, and false authority, needs to be recognized as the cause of all the problems facing us today. This statement is not meant to place all blame on the State, because the major blame should always rest on all those who allow any State to not only exist, but to determine all behavior based upon bogus arbitrary ‘laws,’ and brutal enforcement of those immoral ‘laws.’ Every single ‘law’ heralded by the State, that strays in any way from common natural law, (almost every single so-called ‘law’) is not only fully illegitimate, it is an abomination, and therefore against every free man. So long as one does not harm another, does not harm another’s property, and does not aggress or infringe directly against his freedom, then there need not be any other common law.

What is happening currently so as to distract the herd from addressing the real threat, which is the entire State itself, is what I call targeted narrative broadcasting, or inundating the populace with constant multiple narratives meant to cause fear and anxiety, so that all concentration is limited to one or another event, many of which are staged, causing an inability for the average man to see clearly the real problems facing him. This could be called a bait and switch maneuver of course, but it is much more complex in design than a simple sales scam.

One of the biggest distractions today is the idiotic upcoming ‘election’ madness. Considering that approximately 160 million people, and possibly more, (65% to 70% of registered voters) will vote for one master or another, that means that all these 160 million slaves have been fooled into believing that their lives and salvation rest on the outcome of this most corrupt political circus. This criminal fiasco is only meant to divide and conquer, by telling the ignorant voters that they get to make the choice (they don’t; it is decided in advance) to place in power over them, an incompetent, communist, woke, and economy-destroying, prostituting bitch, or an egotistical, lying, narcissistic, injection-pushing, warmongering piece of garbage. I should also mention the pieces of shit Vance and especially Walz, who were purposely chosen by design from the top controlling scum? Horrifying. As George Carlin so correctly stated: “This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It’s what our system produces: GARBAGE IN AND GARBAGE OUT!”


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But this is just one distraction, although a big one. At the same time, there was the fake staged “assassination” plot (a scam) and photo-op, concerning the fraudulent movie production of the bogus attempt on Trump’s life. What a coup. Then, and almost immediately after, there was the Biden/Harris soap opera that was also staged. Then of course, there is the U.S. supported genocide and ethnic cleansing of an entire culture by the evil Zionist Israel against all Palestinians. In addition, there is the U.S. structured war with Ukraine and Russia, another fraud. What about the plotted mass intentional ‘immigration’ of military aged males inundating this country by total design of this government structure; both sides. And also, there is the Israeli planned false flag attack meant to purposely implicate Iran, which could lead to a massive war. Add to all this, the new Monkeypox pandemic hoax, which is gaining steam, which may actually backfire this time around; that is if any can even remember the hell of the last so-called ‘virus’ scam, called ‘covid.’

There is more of course, and who knows what will be brought out next. It could be any number of things, but one thing is for sure; these false narratives will continue as long as this doltish society continues to concentrate on every fake threat coming from the ruling cabal responsible for all of it, instead of understanding that by getting rid of this false authority called government, the State would be destroyed, and its attempts to destroy you; all of you, would cease.

Everybody keeps griping and complaining about what this candidate or that is saying or doing, but the problem is that this system is allowed to exist at all. Which narrative(s) are you concentrating on today? Have you even considered that the only risk to you is to allow this heinous governing system to remain in power, or are you tied up with one or another false threat or false flag being presented to you daily? It matters not what they are going to do, because they will always do all they are allowed to do, so complaining about this tyranny or that changes nothing, but indicates that one is thinking that a different candidate will make things better, or that fixing one purposely managed threat or another, will help take you to a better place? This is the trap of slavery due to believing in the evil political system. It is not about any single fake threat programmed into your psyche by the State so as to hypnotize you; leading you into total enslavement. It is about the tiny few in power claiming to own and control all of you for eternity, while you are systematically eliminated in body or mind or both.

“The American people are free to do exactly what they are told.”

~ Ward Churchill



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