By: Gary D. Barnett
“Once we see the world as it really is, that we live in an open prison, then it is natural to expect that it is run like all prisons by gangs and mafia”
~ Jack Freestone
Hopefully, at least in time, most all will see through the lies, deceit, corruption, and brutal slaughter of innocents by Zionist Israel, and see that there is but one goal sought. That goal is mass expansion, and an aggressive and brutal taking of all the land and property within what Zionists refer to as “Greater Israel.” There is no longer any doubt, (as if there should have ever been) that Israel is a completely unconscionable murderous band of evil monsters. Yes, I do realize that there are some Israelis who do not fit into this description, but this is relegated to only the very few. Zionists do not practice Judaism, and therefore are not Jews, but that is who runs and controls the state of Israel, and of course also controls the U.S. governing system. With Trump being purposely selected and put into power by those who control this country, the last piece of the puzzle concerning Israel’s slaughter and genocide of innocents, and takeover of the Middle East and beyond, is now in place.
All of this heinous murder, sacrifice, and slaughter is based on what Zionist Israel claims as ‘biblical prophecy,’ and most American ‘Christians’ support all the torture, theft, slaughter of children, and total annihilation of entire cultures by Israel. This is based solely on this false prophesy. This is one of the reasons that I shun and abhor all organized religion. The insanity of this thinking should be evident to all, but of course, simple humans have lost all ability to think and act from any point of sound logic, reason, intellect, and morality in the face of terroristic mysticism based on worship of an invisible apparition, and worship of the State as ‘God.’
It seems that the final push to accelerate this policy of human Armageddon, began with the false flag attack set up by Zionist Israel, the IDF, and Mossad in October of 2023. This was fakery from minute one, as Israel attacked its own people under the guise of an attack allowed and participated in by the Israeli built, funded, armed, and supported group referred to as Hamas. It was an inside job of course, and it has led to the long planned takeover of the Middle East by Israel, all with full support by the U.S. It is little different than the Israeli and U.S. false flag attack of 9/11, which led to horrific wars, total surveillance, total support for the evil Israel, and eventually led to the current plotted Israeli aggressive occupation of Palestine and much of the Middle East; all sanctioned by religious stupidity sold to the gullible masses, and accepted without question.
Let us assess the scope of “Greater Israel,” and what was openly planned long ago.

As you can see, “Greater Israel” takes in an enormous amount of land from many other countries, including parts (or all) of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordon and the Jordon Valley. Other than Saudi Arabia, Israel has aggressed against all other countries on this list. Just since October of last year, Israel has attacked, taken land, displaced residents, or is in war or direct conflict with Gaza, Jerusalem, Lebanon, the West Bank, and now has much control over Syria. Assad has been ousted by Zionists and American forces through a proxy war in which the U.S. and Israel fully supported in every way the takeover of Syria. As you can easily discern, the drive toward the completion of “Greater Israel” is well under way. The terrorist faction that took over Syria; they called themselves rebels, were completely used and controlled by Israel and the U.S. in order for Israel to claim power over that region. Any new political structure of power will be controlled by Israel.
To help solidify this plot, Trump has been assigned to be the primary representative of Zionist Israel, and has appointed or nominated members of his Cabinet with full and devout supporters of Israel. It is almost an exclusive Cabinet of Jewish supporters with all loyalty to Zionist Israel. One could posit that this greatly strengthens Israel’s control over all U.S. policy, and to such an extent as to place the Israeli government in charge of America. What a maniacal plot this is. I have stated for many years that the U.S. and Israel are one and the same, but due to this current atrocity called an ‘election,’ Zionist Israel has been allowed to take over this country, and this will lead to more war and slaughter, while solidifying Israel’s plan to control the Middle East. If allowed to happen, this will eventually lead to a massive expansion by Israel further into the Middle East and beyond.
It is telling when one looks into the background of the leader of the Syrian ‘rebels;’ the opposition that ousted Assad without resistance I might add. His name (ever-changing) is Ahmed al Sharaa, but he is mostly known as Abu Mohammed al-Julani. He is the founder of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham or HTS. He came from the Syrian branch of al Qaeda called al-Nusra Front. After being part of al Qaeda in Iraq, and fighting against U.S. forces in Iraq, he was held in custody by the U.S for years, before he returned to fight against Assad, a falsely stated enemy of the U.S. As I see it, he was groomed by the U.S. to take this position, and to lead rebels to do the bidding of Israel and the U.S. This should come as no surprise, because al-Qaeda was built, funded, armed, and supported by the U.S. and Israel all along, and has been a proxy fighting force to achieve U.S. and Israeli policy in the Middle east for decades.
It is imperative to always understand who benefits the most in these multi-country collusions meant to bring about a certain outcome. Everything that happened recently in Syria could not have occurred unless all major parties were partnered in this criminal coup. This again was allowed to happen and with almost zero resistance. This seems impossible, but the bottom line is that the real benefactor, the ‘winner’ if you will, in this plotted coup was Zionist Israel, and its desire to effectuate its stated goal of a “Greater Israel.” At this point, it is getting much closer to fruition, as all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together.
Once again, as has been the case throughout history, religion and the completely contradictory ‘Bible’ (Old Testament) are being used to justify any and all acts of terror and war. So-called ‘Christian’s, more than any others at least, are being fooled into believing in and supporting the heinous holocaust of peoples everywhere by the likes of Israel and the U.S. The most prevailing notion is that these are acts sanctioned by ‘God,’ and that ‘God’ is on our side. To believe such total bullshit is embarrassing to say the least, but horribly pathetic in reality. Humans do not want to take responsibility for their abhorrent actions, or support of same, so their ‘god’ is used as an excuse and scapegoat for acceptance of human terrorism and carnage against one another.
It is my stated opinion, that all people have every right to believe what they choose to believe concerning spiritual matters, creation, or any aspect of conscious thought about the essence of life, but acquiescence and submission to any claimed invisible superstitious master or master class of rulers, regardless of the origin of such iniquity, is not in my mind useful in fulfilling one’s time on earth. If you respect and improve yourself first; gaining real knowledge at every turn, you will therefore respect others, and with that honest respect, aggression will not be prevalent. You will in fact find the truth within yourself instead of seeking it from those who mean to harm you. When one succumbs to the propaganda of others, peace and harmony are lost, and the prevailing circumstances are chaos and hate. That is where most in this country and elsewhere have gone, and only a return to individuality and moral sanity will defeat the forces who are seeking to control all of you. They are not foreign, they are all around you, residing in the halls of government and its ruling class.
This hate, war, and terror by the apparatus referred to as the State (all governments) must stop if ever freedom, peace, and harmony are sought. Allowing this death and destruction to continue will lead to the literal extinction of man in favor of fully controlled robots through a mental or transhuman alteration meant to bring about a technocratic society of brainless and emotionless slaves. It seems we are getting close to this end.
“The orders came with a detailed description of the methods to be employed to forcibly evict the people: large-scale intimidation; laying siege to and bombarding villages and population centres; setting fire to homes, properties and goods; expulsion; demolition; and, finally, planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled inhabitants from returning.”
~ Ilan Pappé, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
Reference Links:
Netanyahu Revives the Greater Israel Plan
The Israel Revolution: Devolution to all others