Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


Syria and the Houla Massacre

Not Congress, not the president, but the top military officer, General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, has warned Syria that it could be attacked by U.S. forces for the alleged attack by Syrian forces in Houla. I guess anyone in a position of power in this country can threaten war against those who have never attacked the U.S.

Nothing was said about Syrian rebel forces and “death squads,” those supported and according to many, armed by the U.S., that have been raising havoc in that country. Already it has been exposed that the BBC got caught using a photo of dead Iraqi children from 9 years ago to show the carnage in Houla. This was a fraud! Believing anything coming out of the mainstream media about what is happening in Syria, or anywhere else for that matter, is insane. It is much more likely in my opinion, that these attacks on civilians are staged so that the U.S. government can gain cover to prosecute regime change in Syria. They do after all, want to get rid of Assad. This would be no different than what happened in Libya.

Paul Joseph Watson of reported:

“Information surrounding the massacre at Houla clearly suggests that the murders were carried out by death squads and not shelling by government tanks. Video footage of the child victims (warning – graphic) appears to show gunshot wounds to the face and stab wounds. None of the victims appear to have lost any limbs.”

As RT reports, “Many of the victims were executed at point blank-range,” a fact inconsistent with the explanation that tank shelling was responsible for the bloodshed. It’s equally as likely that terrorist death squads, responsible for numerous deadly bombings in Syria that have killed scores of people, were responsible for the massacre.

Of course the probable Republican candidate, Mitt Romney, is using this as a way to call out Obama for weakness in not starting another war. He can use these deaths you see, to help his campaign. If he were president, he would kill many more Syrians in order to save the Syrians. Of course the warmonger John McCain also went into action. These people are monsters, nothing less!

Romney is calling for an end to the “year and a half of slaughter,” but he failed to mention the slaughter by the U.S. and its complicit military of tens of millions of innocent citizens around the world over the past 100 or so years. He failed to mention the slaughter of innocents in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Libya, and elsewhere, that the U.S. is responsible for in just the past 10 years. I guess some slaughter is different than other slaughter!

I smell a false flag here, and it reeks of murder and mayhem of the innocent for the single purpose of selling another war to the sheep in America. When will the people of the United States put a stop to mass murder in their name? Will they ever be sickened by the brutality of this heinous government? Will they ever face the truth, and take their heads out of the sand? I wish I could answer these questions, for the killing continues, and it seems it will never stop.










