Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Subscriber Update

Subscriber Update/Correction

By: Gary D. Barnett

In my most recent article: “The “Great Reset,” Contradiction, Collusion, the U.S., Israel, China, Ukraine, Russia and Governments of the World: Bedmates?” I made a very unintentional mistake, but thankfully, one of my loyal readers alerted me to this flaw.

In paragraph 8, I wrote:

“It seems everyone wants to take a side. This is very telling, as this further causes what appears to be division amongst the plotting nations, but the plan of divisive strategy is meant only to separate the masses, not the rulers. Ukraine has been supported, armed, and controlled by the U.S since at least 2014, when the U.S. puppet Zelensky was put into power due to a U.S. regime change coup. Now, the master class has temporarily scrapped the ‘Covid’ lie for the Ukraine ‘crisis,’ and all is going as planned, or is it?”

What I say here is true, as the U.S. did perpetrate the coup in 2014, but Oleksandr Turchynov was installed temporarily as president, and then at the next ‘election’ later in the 2014, Petro Poroshenko became president until his defeat in 2019. Zelensky, the comedic actor, likely backed by the criminal billionaire Ihor Kolomoisky, was ‘elected’ and took power in 2019.

I am embarrassed by this mistake, but the outcome is the same.

I hope this clears the air, or any confusion.

Thank you!

