By: Gary D. Barnett
As many might have guessed, I have been traveling and fly fishing as this summer begins. I have not posted much as of late, and have not written and published many articles at Lew Rockwell over the past two or three weeks. This does not mean that I have not been researching and studying about all that is going on behind the scenes, as I have whenever possible been following every aspect of this dilemma that we face going forward. I will be researching, writing, and interviewing more and more as this summer progresses, as I believe that this fall and winter will bring about changes and tyranny at many levels not seen to date. My personal position for this summer is to spend as much time with family as possible, and to have as much fun as we can due to the fact that all this temporary “allowed freedom’ may end very soon.
Since I have been traveling broadly over two states lately, and have been around many people, I have come to the conclusion, anecdotally of course, that little has changed in the attitude of the masses. While there are certainly more signs of many tiring of the state’s aggressive dictating of policy concerning this staged and manufactured fake pandemic, most it seems are still playing along, especially given the short-term ‘freedom’ that they falsely believe to exist. The ‘vaccine’ propaganda is so rampant now as to be all consuming throughout the media, government and corporate spokesmen, the imbecilic sports and celebrity crowd, and everyone on the street that has already been injected with the poison and is seeking some sort of justification for their very idiotic submission. I have been surrounded by ignorance and stupidity, and this does not bode well for the coming storm.
It is my opinion given any of a number of plotted and telegraphed scenarios possible, one at a time or simultaneously, that the ‘people’ will once again bow to their masters, and do as they are told without resistance. When the planned sickness and death that will occur later this year begins to take shape, mass compliance will once again raise its ugly head, and the weakness of this population will be evident. In just 2 1/2 weeks on July 9th, the World Economic Forum simulation called the Cyber Polygon will take place, and another form of torture and tyranny will be played out so that all will be brainwashed into believing and accepting that another purposely created enemy threatening the people will need to be slain by the same state players initiating this false flag hoax. The state will once again claim to be savior, but it is nothing more than the devil in disguise. But this will only be one of many pre-planned attacks against all of us for the single purpose of gaining total power and control over the slave class, which now consists of most in this country.
I hope all of my readers are preparing for what is to come; farm and ranch destruction, food shortages, hyper-inflation, staged cyber attacks, utility and power grid shutdowns, forced water shortages, high death counts due to immune system destruction by toxic injections, more lockdowns, extreme civil unrest and violence, digitizing monetary systems, passports to move about, and surveillance of everything.
Take no orders, believe nothing, question everything, resist at every turn, and defend yourselves from this state monster.
I presume that all of you will be ready. Figuratively speaking (I hope), it is time to lock and load!
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