Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Subscriber Update

Subscriber Update

By: Gary D. Barnett

“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.”

~ Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre


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Good morning all. I thought I would send out a short update as fall approaches. As most of you know, I live in Montana, and in a very cold and sometimes brutal winter area. It can go on for many months, and since I no longer participate in any winter sports or outdoor activities, my summers are the only time that I am able to travel, spend most of my time outdoors in nature, clear my mind of the garbage presented to us, and do many things that are important to me and my family.

Because of this, I am absent from writing a few days or weeks from late spring to early fall. I never stop studying and researching all that is going on in our totalitarian existence, but my publishing articles is sometimes lacking for a few days at a time in summer.

But fall is approaching, and the only week-long trip I have planned until next spring or summer is around Thanksgiving to see friends and take my last break before the harshest weather arrives. So I will be working more to expose the State, and will be much more consistent in my writing and publishing for the next 8 months. As to travel next summer, if it is even allowed by that time, and after this staged scam of an ‘election’ and the following expected turmoil, I will have to wait and see what will be our lot in life by that time. I have no great expectations, and in fact, would not be surprised by any totalitarian madness.

Also, since I will be concentrating on my writing, and possibly doing other things as well  to bring the truth to light, I will attempt to keep you informed to the best of my ability as to what risks we all face in this coming hell that seems unavoidable at this time. Exposing the State for what it really is, a heinous, evil, and  tyrannical monster, is my way of hopefully helping others to see truth in this constant barrage of manufactured fiction.

As always, I have a great appreciation of all those who support my work, and wish you well this year and beyond. Remember, believe no narrative, question everything, and negate this governing system at every possible opportunity.

My best to all!



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