Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


Rock ThrowingTeenager Shot By Border Patrol Agent

This story appeared in the Associated Press on Friday. The story is about a teenage boy who was shot multiple times (7), several in the back, by a U.S. Border Patrol agent outside Nogales.

The Border Patrol, as is usual, would not confirm that someone had been shot by the agent, only that “it appeared someone had been hit.” This senseless killing was due once again to the so-called war on drugs. The agents “suspected” that “alleged” drug smugglers were in Nogales, and that two people “abandoned” a load of “narcotics.” Even had this been true, no one should have been shot.

The Border Patrol, although they did not want to admit anything, did say that some rocks had been thrown at them. These must have been very sophisticated, and heavily armed teenage drug dealers, if they had rocks to throw. But according to this AP story, “Border agents are generally allowed to use lethal force against rock throwers, and there are several ongoing investigations into similar shootings in Arizona and Texas.”

This is what passes as reason to sanction the use of lethal force against children today. The young man in question, 16 year old Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez, was gunned down by multiple gunshot wounds in the back by the brave U.S. Border Patrol. His lifeless body was found on a sidewalk near the border barrier.

The drug war should not be allowed by any who cherish freedom. It is a war to advance the state’s power against the individual, and to line the pockets of the U.S. police state, and its massive prison system. The irony here lies in the fact that the U.S. government is the biggest drug dealer on earth, with the help of its military, and the CIA is primarily funded by its involvement in illicit drug trade.

For this, they slaughter and murder children, and imprison those who have never harmed another or their property. This is what passes for justice in the USSA today!




