Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


Pretend Libertarian Trump Supporters are Apologists For Evil

By: Gary D. Barnett

One very real aspect of presidential political worship is the dishonest tendency for supporters to blame others for actions taken in order to protect their candidate from scrutiny for heinous acts. This has been especially evident considering the Trump backers claiming to be libertarian.

Just one stark example is enough to expose this ruse for what it really is; a self-preservation technique meant to shield the supporter from having to face the truth. For facing the truth in this day and age in America is the last thing sought by any who falsely claim to be libertarian.

For purposes here, I will concentrate mostly on the Iran dilemma. Professed conservatives, or so-called libertarian leaning conservatives, and even some who claim to be real libertarians, continue to make excuses for Trump in the Iran situation. Most of the time, these Trump protectors are simply placing blame on Trump’s advisors while excusing his action or non-action by saying his Cabinet is too strong for Trump to oppose. If he is that weak, why is he in charge? Or is the truth that he is promoting this behavior by his supporters so as to marginalize his complicity in this buildup to war with Iran?

In one particular instance, he called off a retaliation attack due to the alleged shooting down of a U.S. drone by Iran because it might kill 150 people. What? His war policies worldwide kill thousands on a regular basis, and his sanctions against Iran alone are extremely deadly to the innocent citizens of Iran. This is a ploy to make him look compassionate while at the same time getting a pass for starving and killing thousands of innocents with his atrocious bombings and sanctions. This is planned hypocrisy.

It is helpful to look at headline titles written by those I mention above. My aim here is not to isolate all those who attempt to to give cover to Trump, as there are so many, but more to expose this behavior. Here are a few recent article titles by well know conservatives and faux libertarians.

How the War Party Broke Trump: “He is the closest thing we’ve had to an antiwar president in 40 years—but the entrenched interests have proven too strong.”

“Did John Bolton light the fuse of the UK-Iranian Tanker Crisis”

“Is Bolton Steering Trump Into War With Iran”

“Trump Is Being Set-Up”

“Do Trump’s Hawks Speak For Trump”

“Has Donald Trump Been Forced to Give Up?

Inside Trump’s Iran Decision: “I really watched him agonize over this”

“Trump Fears Reality of War”

“How Trump May Get Manipulated Into War With Iran”

Feigning ignorance is a purposeful psychological strategy that allows one to find cover from exposure of their real intent. Politically speaking, this can be due to weakness in a time of stress, but more often is due to purposeful trickery in order to advance a policy that may not be popular. In Trump’s case, his approach seems to be the latter, which indicates an indoctrination conspiracy.

He has obviously fooled many into supporting this narrative, but those independent individuals with an unwavering support of real liberty are rarely fooled by such tactics. Those who are willing to compromise to gain support for themselves or those they champion are another story.

So many pretenders seek to protect Trump because he seems to be their only hope in this political system based upon the notion of the “lesser of evils.” I don’t agree with that premise, as evil is evil, and there is no way to qualify the degree of evil in any political election, because only one remains in power.

While the masses are easily fooled, the end results of these political experiments have been consistently similar, in that those elites in the ruling class continue to advance an almost identical agenda of constant war, taxation, market domination, and control of the many.

Be wary of wolves in sheep’s clothing, as all who claim to be libertarian, or men of freedom, are not always what they seem.

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