Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Cover UpPolice State

Police Murder Described as Suicide?

A 17 year old teenager named Jesus Huerta died while in police custody in Durham, North Carolina on November 19th, just one month ago. He was handcuffed, had been searched and locked inside a patrol car. The Durham police chief has just come forward and claimed that this young man committed suicide by shooting himself while in the police car.

A similar event happened in Arkansas last year, so this isn’t the first time that the virtually impossible has happened.

So the police took Huerta into custody, searched him, locked him in handcuffs and then put him inside a police car before he shot himself in the head? Is it remotely possible that the police could not find a firearm while searching this teenager? Well, maybe, but is it even remotely likely? Of course not.

If this young man was actually able to produce a gun, and did shoot himself in the head inside the police car, why would the Durham police chief, Jose Lopez, hide this information for a month and not make any public statement? In real life, that would only happen if there was foul play involved. Otherwise, why be secretive other than possible embarrasment? Would the truth about the death of a 17 year old boy be of no importance just because the circumstances were humiliating? Not hardly.

The timing of this “revelation” by the police chief is more than telling. It came one day after Huerta’s family called for a federal investigation into what looks like murder by police. That would certainly not be an unusual happening. In fact, it is happening on a regular basis today, with little if any state scrutiny or prosecution. In fact, this is the third suspicious death at the hands of the Durham police since July of this year.

There is a lesson to be learned in this case. This young man left his house in the early morning to avoid an argument with family. His sister called the police just to make sure Jesus was okay, but the end result was the senseless death of her brother.

Never, absolutely never, call police. They are the most dangerous thugs and criminals on the street, and cannot be trusted to either not escalte the situation, or commit murder of the innocent in the false name of “officer safety.” Avoid the police at all costs. Avoid them like the plague that they are!

