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Subscriber Update

Observations From Japan

By: Gary D. Barnett

It is time for a break from the insane madness of the U.S. and much of the world, and since I and my family are spending time with family and friends in Japan, I thought it appropriate to explore some of the stark differences we are experiencing here in this lovely country. Of course, like everywhere else in the world, there are problems here as well, but comparatively speaking, the differences between here and the U.S. at this time are staggering.

We are staying in what would be considered a small city in Japan, with a population around a million people. The city is exceptionally clean and neat, and extremely safe. Small children are able to travel most anywhere in the city on their own, and without worry. They know how to navigate the city, handle all the many forms of transportation, and function without fear of being harmed. Police presence is at a minimum, because everyone goes about their business without interfering with, or harming others. The people here, as a culture, are the most sincere and nicest of anywhere I have traveled to date, and I have been to quite a few countries in North America, Europe, Asia, and In the Caribbean. It is a pleasure being here.

Most everything is much less expensive, and not just because of the monstrously inflated U.S. dollar. We went to lunch two days ago at an authentic Italian restaurant, four of us, and the dinners, sides, and a couple of glasses of house wine cost about $38, and of course, no insane tipping allowed. Five of us had another Japanese dinner at a very upscale restaurant, with appetizers and drinks, for less than $100. Our hotel room, which is very nice, cost less than $100 per night, and most everything else is very reasonable as well.

The markets are massive, with fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, and a thousand other items daily. Restaurants, bakeries, (unbelievable pastries!) and every possible shop and retail store abound, with most any good or service available for a very reasonable cost. Transportation is absolutely amazing, as one can get almost anywhere, and nationwide, by taxi, bus, monorail, air, and trains, including the bullet trains, which are a wonder.

Walking throughout the city at any time of day or night is not a problem, and one does not have to worry much about crime. I have seen no homeless people, no obvious trans roaming the streets or accosting children, no rudeness, and almost everyone will help guide you if necessary. All in all, what a wonderful experience.

As I mentioned, nowhere is perfect, but being here is so calming and relaxed, the people are exceptionally friendly, almost uniquely so, the service and work ethic are amazing, and all in all, it allows me to forget the insanity I see every single day.

We are on the South Island, but much if not most of Japan, at least all the places I have visited over the past decade, have been very similar. It is a breath of fresh air to be sure. The food is fantastic, the sights are ancient and amazing, with beautiful architecture, and a kind and wonderful people. One more week to go, and then back to reality.

My time here is and has been, eye-opening, but I will return home soon, and am not looking forward to the evil election stupidity, the possible ‘civil’ war, the extreme high cost of goods and services, and the constant bombardment of lies and propaganda. Wish me luck!



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