Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Police BrutalityPolice StateTerrorism

Non-Killing Police Brutality

A Pittsburg woman, 35 year old Amy Needham, was recently arrested and brutally mistreated for not showing up to a hearing for what was an alleged charge of “disorderly conduct.” Due to circumstances surrounding her arrest, her arm was amputated in emergency surgery while in jail. A hardened criminal she is not.

During the process of arrest, or in this case violent assault, five thug deputies from the sheriff’s department broke down her door to execute a warrant on this young mother of three. After the forcefull entry, the police tased Needham, handcuffed her and loaded her into a police van. She was not even allowed to go to the bathroom as she requested.

Reportedly, the handcuffs were extremely tight, which now is a very common practice used by police nationwide as a way to hurt and intimidate their victims. The treatment she received at the hands of police led to a series of circumstances including a dire medical emergency.

Needham said that due to the tight handcuffs, she suffered from compartment syndrome, “which is increased pressure that damages muscles and nerves.” Her attorney said that his client made 16 different requests to see a doctor, but was denied each and every time.

Because of this inhumane treatment and total disregard for this woman’s health, she developed a septic shock which caused the infection to spread rapidly. Amy Needham almost died due to this infection that could have been prevented, and lost her arm in order to keep her from dying.

If this were only an isolated event, it would be bad enough, but horrible treatment happens to those in police custody on a very regular basis. There are now over 80,000 SWAT raids each year by heavily armed goons in police garb. That is well over 200 per day, and that number is increasing dramatically each year.

The sheriff’s department in Allegheny County has not even made a comment, but when and if they do, it will most likely be a lie. That is the modus operandi of today’s police.

What will happen to Amy Needham? We know one thing for sure, the Allegheny Sheriff’s Department doesn’t care, and will probably attempt to bring even more charges and terror against this young mother of three children.



