Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Police BrutalityPolice State

Murder by Police Again and Again: Never Call the Police!

The incidents of murder by police just keeps growing at an alarming pace. While I expect this murderous behavior, and have warned about it time and time again, it is forever troubling and shocking.

This time, the brutal killing of a 90 pound 18 year old teenager was committed by a North Carolina police officer. One sheriff’s department officer from Brunswick County, a police officer from Boiling Spring Lakes and the killer, a police officer from Southport, arrived on the scene after parents called to get help with their teenage son. This is what passes for help as far as the police are concerned.

Keith Vidal according to his father was suffering from what he called a “psychotic” episode. Keith had never been violent, and was a mere shadow of a man, but that didn’t deter the murderers in state costumes from using brutal force to subdue this small boy. When the police arrived, they tasered him and pinned him down to the floor. Two of the officers held Keith between them where he certainly could not escape or harm them. He held a small screwdriver, which obviously was no threat after he was subdued, but what happened next is barbaric.

The officer from the Southport Police Department after the boy had been repeatedly tasered and was being held down by two other officers yelled out:

“We don’t have time for this!”

At that point, he shot a defenseless and troubled young man who was being held down by two other officers, killing him on the spot. At the time of this shooting, Keith Vidal’s father was helping the officers to calm down his son, and when he acted with outrage, the maniacal murdering officer pointed his gun at the father. I am as certain as I can be that this police goon would have shot Keith’s father as well had he attempted to approach the murderer of  his son.

This was an act of malicious murder of an innocent young man by a state sponsored thug. It was literally wicked. If normal procedure is evident in this case, this low life policeman will get a paid vacation, and will be put back on the street to kill again. These heinous acts are usually treated with kid gloves, and the perpetrating officers are almost always immune from proper punishment. Considering the unconscionable criminal intent in this killing, this officer should face a charge of second degree murder.

Never, and I mean never, call the police for any reason. Any who don’t take this advice are setting themselves up for possible great harm, prosecution for non-crimes or death, as in the case with Keith Vidal.

Police are nothing more than agents of force and death hired by the state to intimidate and control the common man. They are mostly low IQ robots without soul or conscience, are cowards, and will use deadly force on any citizen regardless of sex, size or stature, and regardless of the risk to themselves or the innocence of the victim.





