Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

"Healthcare"Police StatePublic SchoolsTyranny

Mandatory Flu Vaccine For 2 Year Olds: Police State Enforcement?

In Connecticut, 2 to 4 year old children returning to school after the Christmas break are required by “law” to have a flu vaccine. If the parents cannot prove that that their children have had a flu shot, they cannot return to school, or what should be called daycare in this case. The best thing that could happen would be for all parents to remove their children from any state facility, including daycare centers, Head Start, and all public schooling. But will that be enough to protect them in the future in this tyrannical police state of America? Most unlikely in my opinion.

In spite of the fact that flu shots are mostly worthless, and can be very dangerous, even deadly at times, the state should have no say in how parents take care of and raise their children. The asinine notion that any state or federal government should have the power to mandate vaccines, or anything else for that matter, is anathema to freedom and liberty.

Once anything is required by law, or made mandatory by the state, the next step is enforcement. Considering enforcement as it exists in this fascist oligarchy called the U.S., that could mean theft of property by fines, incarceration, or physical harm rendered by state gendarmes who are nothing less than thieving thugs with a badge. In addition, when children are the subject of these compulsory mandates, the criminal “Child Protective Services” will have no mercy when it comes to kidnapping children from their rightful parents, and in the process ruining the lives of families. And given the warranted reputation of this heinous government agency, they are likely to abuse these children in ways that cannot be overcome.

This totalitarian law will not stop in Connecticut, it will spread across the country with more oppressive measures along the way. This will lead to ever stricter enforcement, and control over all the children of this country. The abhorrent “public” school system has already mandated vaccines in order to attend, so adding more and more requirements from here will be much easier, and certainly likely.

Where will this insanity stop? When the state is involved, it will never stop unless those affected stop it permanently. If parents do not stand up to protect their own children, they will not stand up to fight against any tyranny at all. In that case, they will deserve what they get.

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