Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

AnarchyConstitutionGovernmentSelf DefenseTaxation

Letter to a Thoughtful Reader

By: Gary D. Barnett

I received a letter from a reader this morning who has a very complete plan for a similar governing system as we now have, but in essence, thinks new rules and starting over can change the course we are on and bring back liberty. His idea is building a system that is “A platform which permits a limited federal, state and local governance structure, while funding important infrastructure and simultaneously defending our nation from foreign invasion,” and nothing else.

He asked me to comment and send feedback, so I wrote the letter below and sent it to him.


“Thank you for writing. I appreciate it.

I also appreciate any effort that helps to restrict or eliminate any or all government power. I do not discount the efforts of any that are attempting to better the situation, even if I disagree with what is sought as the final system.

I am an anarchist, so all government in my eyes will always and forever seek great power, regardless of any so-called rules set forth on a piece of paper. For those that want to live under a government with rules such as you state, I have no problem with that, so long as every single one that agrees signs an actual contract, and can voluntarily be a part of it or not at any time. Foisting it on the entirety of Americans as a national system is exactly what we have now , and why I abhor the Constitution and the fact that it purposely set up unlimited power of a central federal government by fiat and force. 

I do not care who might have tendencies to live under a Marxist, Communist, Republican, Democratic, or Fascist system, so long as it is done privately and voluntarily, and none have power over others that disagree. No nation state under any form of national government is viable, and would be corrupt and aggressive from minute one. Any taxation whatsoever would be the death knell of liberty, as it is theft, regardless of any governing document. All should be responsible for their own lives. That has been proven over the past 245 years in this country. For those that are poor, sick, impaired, or put into circumstances where it is impossible to survive, they should be taken care of voluntarily by friends, family, and strangers alike, as a matter of morality, but no force or theft by the state should ever be possible in the false name of equity.

No standing military should be allowed, as it can only lead to state aggression, but every single man should be responsible for protecting himself and others in any time of outside attack that would require actual self-defense of life and property. Monopoly, especially considering the military industrial complex, is only possible when government is present, so without government, personal and not national responsibility, would be mandatory in order to secure survival. 

That is why I believe in mass secession at every level of society, and the total elimination of the state. All government is anathema to freedom and liberty, and should not be allowed to exist. I am not foolish enough to disregard human nature, nor am I confident that the most imperfect species on earth, humans, will all act properly in anarchy; they will not. I do not expect my plans to be adopted by the masses, however, I do expect to be left alone to live as I see fit, so long as I harm no one, their property, or infringe on their liberty to any extent that might be considered aggression toward them. 

No war in this country’s history has ever been warranted, necessary, or in any way a defense of personal or national liberty. I would partially exempt the initial Revolution to oust the British Crown, and the South’s defense of its independence in the beginning of what is falsely labeled the “Civil War.” In the end, even both those efforts turned into mass violence against innocents, and proved that any and all government has no right to summon force by conscription, bear arms, or deserves the power to use them; only the people as individuals have the right of self-defense.

No large scale governing system can be successful simply due to using the same model or changing slightly the rules set up by force due to the Constitutional convention. It was meant only to create a more powerful government under the guise of unity by law and power. If government has any power whatsoever to do one single thing that any “citizen” cannot justly do at will, it is a fatally flawed system.

I applaud your efforts, but would caution you not to fall under the false assumption that any government can be created for an entire nation, with rules meant for all, that has any power to enforce those rules, and then expect freedom to survive. It cannot happen. That is why I can only advocate a system that allows total personal freedom without restriction, so long as aggression is absent, and all governing is by and only by self, with all indiscretion and aggressive behavior handled by private arbitration by accepted parties.

Again, I do not expect this, but would not accept anything less as legitimate.
I am not attempting in this short letter to thoroughly explain or outline any plan for what I consider to be a proper self-governing system, or address every aspect of its workings, I am simply attempting to address your question from a philosophical standpoint, and denounce formal government as the heinous monster it is and has always been.


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