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Banking and FinanceConspiracyEconomy

JPMorgan Bankers Continue To Die Amidst Fraud Investigation

A number of bankers so far since just the end of January have mysteriously committed suicide, or at least that is the official narrative. At least six have died, and four of them worked for JPMorgan. In addition, David Bird, a reporter covering commodities fraud about these same firms is missing and presumed dead.

The latest happened just a short time ago. A 33 year old who was believed to be a Forex trader was said to have jumped to his death, the third JPMorgan banker to do so recently, and the fourth banker to “leap” to his death, the other being Mike Dueker of Russell Investments.

These deaths seemed to be linked by job description and trading knowledge just when several firms are under investigation, but the common denominator leads to JPMorgan where four of the victims worked. Coincidence? Not likely, but the evidence is still unclear.

Given that six or more banker deaths by ‘suicide’ have taken place in just the last three weeks or so, what is the real story? Do any of these men have other similarities or ties that are relevant? Is this a natural epidemic or are sinister forces at work?

This is no epidemic in my opinion, and very critical scrutiny should be forthcoming. The big banking system is not only facing collapse, but is in too deep to reverse the damage done. The central banks cannot forever continue to bail out these money centers, and eventually they stand to be exposed. That exposure could turn quickly into economic turmoil never before seen, and these banks cannot afford to allow that exposure.

Is this the reason that so many young bankers, successful bankers with families, are suddenly dying of alleged suicide? You be the judge, but I don’t think we have seen the last of these possibly “convenient” deaths!


