Laid off workers at Boeing, one of the largest defense contractors in the world, have been able to gain special privileges and money from the federal government, all at taxpayer expense of course. The article about this idiocy from the Seattle Times is here.
“Compared to what Joe Worker gets when they get laid off, our members have a pretty extensive safety net,” said Connie Kelliher, spokeswoman for the International Association of Machinists (IAM).
The U.S. Department of Labor has approved huge benefits to all those at Boeing who have been laid off since April of last year, and for those who get laid off in the future out until June of 2015.
They will be able to draw 2 1/2 years of unemployment pay. If they travel to find another job, the government will pay 90% of the cost, and if they do find a job and need to relocate, that will also be paid for by tax money. In addition, they can receive a lump sum payment in addition to these other benefits simply due to any relocation.
That’s only the beginning, as they also get tax credits for most of their medical insurance premiums, and are eligible for a $25,000.00 government grant (welfare) if they decide to get another degree. If any accept a lower paying job, they don’t have to worry for the first two years because the government will subsidize their pay with another $10,000.00.
This scam is due to approved federal aid under the Trade Adjustment Assistance program (TAA) which allows for these elaborate payments because of so-called jobs lost due to outsourcing. This nonsense is based on the fact that Boeing, a fully dependent U.S. welfare company, has purchased parts, with taxpayer money no less, from other countries. I could not make this stuff up!
You see, it pays to be in bed with the feds if you are a subsidized corporation, or a part of that same corporation. If the average Joe loses his job and tries to get all these perks from his employer who is not dependent on government handouts, how will that turn out?