An aid ship on its way to Gaza, a ship carrying members of parliament from several countries, was attacked and captured by Israeli Naval forces this past weekend. The crew claimed that detained activists, including members of the Greek Parliament, were subject to the prolonged use of tasers, and that former Canadian member of parliament, Jim Manly, was still being held on the charge of “illegally entering Israel.”
This has become a common charge, and is affected by Israeli military members bringing those aboard aid ships into Israel, and then claiming that they entered illegally. This ruse allows Israeli officials cover while they hold innocents prisoner.
Israel has denied the charges against them, but hijacking aid ships, and incarcerating passengers, has become a common practice. The Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, claims that no crisis exists in Gaza, and that those aboard the aid ship only wanted to “slander Israel.” That is absolute nonsense as far as I’m concerned, but then, what else is to be expected?
I guess any attempting to help those in need due to Israeli occupation should be captured, tasered, and imprisoned; all due to the possibility of slandering Israel. Apparently, when international aid workers attempt to deliver food to the hungry in Gaza, they are committing sedition against Israel, and this is feared greatly by the most powerful man in that country.