Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


Is Voting in Statist Elections Compatible With Libertarianism? Absolutely Not!

While this is not written specifically against the position of Dr. Walter Block, it certainly is a direct rufutation of his and other so-called Libertarian positions promoting voting.

Voting is one of those so-called sacred “rights” that bless the democratic-leaning souls who call themselves Americans. From the time of birth to the time of death, the citizenry of this country are brainwashed to believe that this “wonderous” system we live under is controlled by the people. That lie has inundated the populace to such a degree as to cause outright rage when challenged. This is a sad state of affairs, and speaks volumes about the total ignorance of the masses.

In order to support voting, one is mandated to support the state system of heirarchy, and therefore obligated to accept the outcome. This is without question. To vote is a voluntary consent of the policies put forth by the those elected, whether the voter agrees with those policies or not. The alternative argument given by the foolish believers is that if dissatisfied, then voting for another in the next election is the only viable option. This however, leads to neverending frustration, and complete neverending loss of power for the voter.

Many Libertarians, (not “libertarians”) attempt to advance their incorrect opinion about voting by claiming that voting for the lesser of evils is a way of advancing more freedom or Libertarian policies by getting less totalitarianism. This notion of course is idiotic and extremely contradictory, but then, blind ignorance allows for such behavior.

As Charles Bukowski correctly stated:

“The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don’t have to waste your time voting.”

Voting is simply immoral. While this statement will trouble most, it seems to be an obvious conclusion. Voting simply pits one against another, with the loser being subject to the whims of the winner, this whether right or wrong, and regardless of which side controls the other. In reality, at least in the asinine system in America, both political parties are the same, work together, and have an agenda to rule all. The ruling elite run the oligarchy, while the lowly voter gets metaphorically raped.

When one group gains by voting the power to rule over the rest, and by the use of force, no libertarian principle is upheld. In fact, voting causes an extreme violation of the non-aggression principle. While this is incorrectly argued by those like Professor Block, it is nonetheless obvious to me that purposely voting to gain power over a fellow citizen, and at their expense, is a first degree transgression against the mainstay of pure libertarian doctrine; that being the NAP.

As I stated long ago:

“No one who had any belief in freedom could ever have come up with the idea of voting. Voting by definition and design eliminates the individual in society for benefit of the collective. Individualism epitomizes freedom, while collectivism epitomizes slavery. Voting then is simply mob rule, the bane of freedom, and the fodder necessary for a society based on servitude!”

Consider the alternative: If no one voted, no one would be elected, and what a wonderful world that would be!

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