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Is the New Coronavirus the First Major Step to a Fully Controlled Society?

By: Gary D. Barnett

China has become a modern technocratic surveillance society, and is now leading the way in mass control over an entire population. The new coronavirus scare has exposed just how dangerous this is, but China is just the beginning. More control over populations is now taking place daily around the world, and this is very telling of the attitude of the global elites in their efforts to take over travel, movement, gatherings, all aspects of the economy, and day to day activities of people.

All this is based on “crisis” management, this whether there is a real crisis or not. In this case, I believe it is unlikely that this virus threat is anything close to what is being reported, but that matters not when the world’s population can be frightened to the point of accepting any amount of Martial Law type controls.

The supposed horrible claims when viewed with a critical eye seem ridiculous. As of today according to this Business Insider article, there have been just under 3,000 deaths due to the so-called COVID 19 virus, with all but about 100 deaths inside China. That means that only about 100 people have been said to have died around the world of this new flu epidemic. This is very likely an overstated number to be sure. Considering that the CDC claims that 80,000 Americans die of the flu every year in the U.S., and over a million die in China of a Corona related pneumonia every year, why the panic? Many of those that have died were already sick, or old and weak, or had other complications, and with zealous counting techniques, many without testing, how many have actually died directly related to this virus? (Do keep in mind that the CDC has an agenda to profit from vaccines, so anything reported there should be taken with a grain of salt.) There is much more going on here than is immediately evident, and sinister forces are definitely at work.

In China, social credit scores, facial recognition, internet control, phone monitoring, and quarantine of citizenry has been rampant. So far, 57 million have been quarantined there, and drone video surveillance is being used to monitor all. And this is just the beginning. Countries around the world are taking over everything, closing schools, daycares, travel, shutting down all large gatherings, and in the process destroying economic activity. Japan shut down all schools, affecting 13 million students and their parents. Closings around the country are happening in Greece, Italy, other parts of Europe and Asia, and now Australia is insane.

Keep in mind that Australia has had zero deaths, but this was just reported in the Guardian:

“Governments may order mass vaccinations of entire suburbs, cities or groups of people; sports stadia may be sequestered as quarantine sites; and police could be ordered to guard critical medical supplies under Australia’s pandemic health plans.”

The pandemic plans have not yet been scaled up to their highest levels: Australia remains in containment mode and governments have consistently said that Australia is well-placed to deal with any outbreaks.

This is now going on around the world, and if continued, will certainly come to the U.S. Economically speaking, this is already a state-caused disaster everywhere, but it is going to get worse. There is money to be made in this environment by big Pharma, The WHO, the CDC, Wall Street, and many others. But control is the name of the game, and this has all the markings of a world governing exercise that will allow for the close control of huge numbers of people around the world.

This looks like the initial structuring of global Martial Law, and something that may have been purposely set up. Those that think this cannot come to the U.S. have lost all sense of reality. This insanity is definitely a boon to the globalist agenda, and needs to be stopped in its tracks before it is too late!

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