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Insanity Tops Insanity

By: Gary D. Barnett

“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”

George Carlin

I have not written anything these past few days, not because I did not have plenty to write about, but because I had plenty to write about. Insanity topping insanity simply means that the insane aspects of this kept society and its controlling monsters, continues to top itself at every turn; bringing about horrific and unspeakable idiocy that belies all reason, logic, morality, and sane behavior. This is now the way of existence in this country due to its people’s voluntary acceptance of enslavement. As I have eluded to regularly for years, fault lies not just with the controllers and their pawns in government, but with all those who willingly continue to accept this system of mass slavery; supporting it by participation, voting, and demanding dependency via welfare, ‘free’ services, bogus ‘laws’ and regulation, and faux protection from non-existent threats from afar, all when the only real threat is from within.

If one was to look carefully, taking in all the corruption and stupidity, watching and analyzing all that is going on before their very eyes, studying the attitudes, behavior, perversion, and complete societal breakdown, observing the terror and murder being committed on a daily basis; all with a critical eye, how could any sane person not succumb to madness?

The partial list of unacceptable horrors and atrocities goes on forever:

Gross monetary inflation and spending

Skyrocketing prices

Financial upheaval and monetary lunacy

Economic chaos and destruction

Transgender and ‘woke’ madness

Vaccines (Bioweapon injections)


Fake viruses

Trump/Biden ‘election’ stupidity

Voting for a master

Fraudulent and purposeful mass ‘immigration crisis’

House squatters


Digitization of everything

Mass surveillance

Stock market, bond market, and real estate bubble’s impending collapses

Dollar devaluation

Broad-based obscene pedophilia

Weather manipulation, cloud seeding, HAARP, and directed energy

Privacy obliteration

Continuous aggressive wars

Genocide at the hands of Zionist Israel

Hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to Ukraine and Zionist Israel

Mass proliferation of U.S. weaponry to dictatorial, murderous, and genocidal countries

Purposeful antagonizing of nuclear and worldwide war

Targeting and mass killing of children

Food and agriculture devastation

Fake poisonous foods

Famine and starvation

Prescription drugs, medical ‘care’ atrocities, and democide

Mass perversion of body and mind

Incessant lying, propaganda, and universal corruption

Tracking, tracing, and spying

Gross taxation and insurance company fraud and extortion

The great taking of everything of value

The saddest part of all this, as I mentioned earlier, is that this is but a partial (short) list of what is completely obvious, and happening in plain sight. What is going on in addition to these gruesome, disturbing, and vile atrocities is ………..



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