By: Gary D. Barnett

These pictures of massive spraying of poison chemtrails were all taken yesterday above my hometown in Montana. (2/26) What cannot be seen is that at the very same time these were taken, it was difficult to count all the planes in the air. In fact, these planes were still spraying in the same direction, and had begun aggressively spraying in cross-patterns as well, just like a checkerboard, and a few were even spraying at other angles. This was not isolated just to this area, as the entire horizon as far as one could see, and in every direction, was completely covered; an inundation of geoengineering and weather warfare against all in this country known as Stratospheric aerosol injection and solar radiation management, (pathogenic desires) better known as chemtrails.
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When I woke up yesterday morning, the skies were relatively clear, but this much spraying had to be taking place during the night also, as is normal, but by noon the coverage was nearly universal across the sky. Chemtrail disbursement is a normal occurrence, but this day was even more insane in that the efforts to block out all sun, as well as dump toxic poison, metals, nanoparticles, and who knows what else into the lower atmosphere, was being very aggressively pursued.
Waking up to and accepting the fact that massive weather geoengineering, chemtrails, solar blockage, (an atrocity) carbon dioxide removal idiocy, among other deadly policies of this government and military, is extremely difficult to believe for most, one must sit back and wonder why? Nothing could be more obvious, and the fact that anyone can see it with their own eyes, and the fact that it is now admitted to by most all political and military entities, and worldwide, there is no reason to hide from this truth.
Everyone is exposed to this toxic coverage of the skies, and as this soup mix of harmful, health destroying, and possibly fatal fallout settles to ground, the entire environment, and every living thing, plant and animal, are adversely affected. Since the effects are not immediate, most ignore the threat, but this attitude can only perpetuate the risk of harm, mass control, and depopulation efforts pursued by the global governing scum who run the world, especially in the U.S. Regardless of all the indoctrination, brainwashing, and lies, ignoring this atrocity is pathetic, and borders on sheer madness. Apathy and indifference in the face of a society being openly poisoned, is not only ludicrous but pitiful.
If this was the only risk we faced from this government and all its evil institutions and bureaucracies, one might choose to remain on the sideline, and not address protecting his own freedom and health, as is the rule for most all Americans. But we are faced with heinous threats from every direction, many fatal, but still the majority insist on hiding in the dark, questioning almost nothing, while living by the horrendous and stupid premise of “See no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil.” Three monkeys were used to portray this attitude, but actually, monkeys act on instinct in order to survive, a fine quality, but humans tend to rely only on dependence, cowardice and stupidity.
Many (almost all) on the so-called ‘right’ (left may be even more evil) have been hypnotized, and are mesmerized by the evil Trump, and this will be their downfall, for as they worship their new political ‘god’ and master, he, his Cabinet, his band of appointed corrupt government pieces of shit, and the real power that controls him, are perpetrating the most prolific bait and switch campaign that I have ever seen in politics. His agenda seems to rely on giving the dolts who support him, as many doses of partial or fake commitments as are necessary in order to keep them in line, while the global takeover and mass digitization are going forward at lightening speed. This is a subject for another article, and one I am working on currently, but sufficed to say, nothing whatsoever that has happened since January 20th, regardless of the completely insane media, especially much of the pretend alternative media, indicates anything other than an accelerated attempt to finish off this country, and guide it toward its imminent demise.
Reference links:
Geoengineering: Answers to the most Commonly Asked Questions
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