Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Gun controlMilitaryPolice StateTyranny

Fewest Police Killed by Shooting in 2013?

Yes, the title is correct in that police statistics show that the least number of police officers killed by firearms was in 2013. The number cited was 33 deaths by firearms, the lowest since 1887, but that statistic hides a much more important and telling fact.

There are national statistics kept each year as to the number of deaths of police that takes place in the “line of duty.” Every detail is monitored and filed in a national database, and those records are available to everyone. But what records are not kept?

While police deaths by firearms are dropping dramatically every year, the number of citizens killed by police using firearms is dramatically increasing. But there are no national records kept whatsoever by government for police killings of civilians. Does this sound familiar? It should, because the military operates in the exact same manner. Each American soldier killed is recorded and databased, and records are made available to all, but no records of those killed by the U.S. military are kept. This of course is done by design, as the government does not want the public to know the truth about its heinous behavior whether police or military related.

As I mentioned, no records of people killed by police are in any national database, but there are private records to be found. Those are very telling of the brutal truth concerning the large numbers of citizens killed by police. When police use deadly force against those they in the distant past protected, the government and its agencies are silent, so private records are extremely important.

Jim Fisher of Jim Fisher True Crime keeps very accurate records that he compiles on his own each year. In 2011 the police, according to research done by Fisher, shot 1,146 people, and of those shot 607 died. These are only incidents in which police officers discharged their guns, and the numbers include only those who were killed or wounded. This is a staggering statistic to be sure.

So while the police in this country are crowing about the lower number of deaths of police officers due to shootings, they remain completely silent about their carnage against U.S. citizens. Fewer police are killed while many more citizens are slaughtered by police each year. Why is this happening?

The real truth of the matter is that the police are now almost fully militarized. They have much more sophisticated weaponry, they dress in armor, they use heavily armed tank-like vehicles for domestic “policing” and they are now virtually exempt from prosecution when they murder citizens. At the same time, very restrictive gun laws are more prevalent, so the people are less armed while the police are more heavily armed. This is completely backwards if any free society is to flourish.

The only real answer to this problem is to disarm the police. In fact, all those in government, all government agencies and all government agents of force should be disarmed. That is the only way to reign in the brutality now present in the tyrannical police state called America.

