Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


FCC: ‘Cop On The Beat?’

The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) head, Julius Genachowski, recently defended the FCC’s regulation of broadband Internet. He went on to say that the FCC needs to act like a “cop on the beat,” and that “we need to protect and promote competition.”

This statement of course is ludicrous, if one considers any sort of free market approach. It should not be the place of the federal government to control, regulate, or promote competition of any market force; it should only be the government’s job to stay out of the way of real competition.

The things the government claims to protect are only a problem due to government intervention in the first place. If free markets were the desired end, then the FCC would need to be abolished. If free market competition were evident, then any and all would be able to participate in the market system without interference. In that scenario, competition would flourish.

The FCC claims that they are here to protect competition from monopoly, but unwanted monopolies can only exist if the government creates an environment for monopoly. Government is a monopoly by design, and monopolies that currently harm the consumer are always created or allowed by government, and are not a product of a free market.

Any control over broadband or the Internet by any government agency, especially the FCC, can only serve to harm the system, or set the stage for control and abuse by the corrupt political ruling class in favor of its partners in crime!


