Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Mainstream MediaWar

False Headline

On Drudge, this headline appeared yesterday: ‘Iran ready to wipe Israel off the map.’ Drudge was linking to a story from a Middle Eastern publication, but the Drudge headline was inaccurate and false.

The statements in this article were in response, if it in fact happened, to an aggressive attack by Israel against Iran’s nuclear facilities. 

The first paragraph read: “?Deputy defense minister Ahmad Fahidi on Friday warned Israel against mounting such an attack: “Any act by the Zionist regime against Iran will bring about its (Israel’s) destruction.”

First, my belief is that any response to an aggressive attack against a country should be met with enough force to completely stop the threat, nothing more. So in that light, the statement by the Iranian minister might have gone too far.

But the most important aspect of the statement is that Iran would not attack unless they were first attacked by Israel. That means that Iran’s position is proper. The statement, while maybe overboard, was otherwise legitimate.

This is another case where false inflamatory headlines by the biased media does nothing more than exacerbate an already out-of-control situation. Those reading such headlines without scrutiny will come away thinking exactly the opposite of what was actually said. This is a dangerous way of reporting, and is completely irresponsible. It could also escalate tensions for no reason other than sensationalism and bias.

