Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


Deserved Justice: Knockout Game Reversed

There are those times when the tables are turned in an appropriate manner. Just such a case happened at a Las Vegas mall recently.

This brutal activity that is called the “Knockout Game” has been going on for some time now in cities across the country. It is in fact not a game, but a very dangerous form of violent criminal assault. The remedy to this madness as I have mentioned often, is self defense. I have suggested that people in areas where this might take place carry a weapon or travel with partners. I have also suggested that self defense by whatever means necessary should be used to combat this atrocious behavior.

As seen in this video at, a black man of unknown age attempted to knock out a white female with one punch as is the object of these “Knockout Game” assaults. In this case, this woman did not go down and was not knocked out, but proceeded to beat this assailant senseless with the help of her boyfriend who kicked the thug in the head. I actually don’t think she needed the help, but the attacker was left in a puddle of his own blood.

The woman in question was pulled from her assailant before fatal harm could result, so the appropriate amount force was used to stop the attack. She walked away immediately, and left the scene. I think that was the proper option.

Maybe this cowardly attacker will think twice before attempting to violently harm another innocent in this horrendous nonsense called a “game.” After all, he didn’t go after a strong young man, but what he thought was a defenseless girl. I would imagine that his “Knockout Game” days are over.



