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Coronavirus Temporarily Over as Planned Civil Unrest Takes Center Stage

By: Gary D. Barnett

Any that still believe that something called Covid-19 was not a scam are just not looking closely enough. Much has been uncovered about the lies and deceit concerning the fraudulent crisis of this flu season, but plan B has already started. Phase 2 of the fake virus cannot be brought out just yet, and many people have figured out the insanity of the planned government response after being in home prison these past couple of months. The flu season is over, so there are no longer many deaths that can be falsely attributed to coronavirus, so another false flag crisis had to be structured in order to keep the sheep in line.

One death by police in Minneapolis (Cops murder approximately 1,200 innocent citizens every year) has been said to have caused a nationwide uproar and rioting and looting across the country. This makes no sense of course, but if one considers what is really happening, an understanding of events is possible. It seems to me that all of this is not only staged, but being stoked by the very enforcers pretending to stop it. There certainly is nothing organic about these riots in cities from coast to coast. Agitators have been sent in to cause havoc, many of whom are most likely undercover police officers, and this chaos has erupted everywhere almost overnight. What has been the result of this? The military has been called in, and is already patrolling the streets in several cities, and this terror will only escalate from here.

The so-called “pandemic” is virtually over now, but more quarantine and home imprisonment is happening again, this time due to the excuse of civil unrest. I consider these current events to be a planned stop-gap between Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the coronavirus scam. More people will be locked down, more rioting will occur, and martial law will be evident in many parts of the country before this extension of Phase 1 is firmly in place. We will be bombarded by domestic military deployment until the next fake wave of flu can be released this coming fall or winter.

Undercover police have already been caught and exposed by protest participants purposely destroying property and fomenting violence. These have been false flag events in that they were meant to cause a particular reaction that would allow for more draconian measures to be implemented against all of us. Once this unrest is very widespread, and it will get worse, there will be local, state, and federal involvement in locking down much of the country, and with military enforcement. Police departments partnered with the military were not militarizing their weaponry and equipment over the past few years for nothing, as what may be coming is most likely what was known to be coming. Everything is falling into place, and the plot to take full control over the population is now gaining ground at an unbelievable pace. What has happened in the past two months is astounding, as a decade worth of government tyranny has taken place just since March.

The state perpetrators have already announced that the suburbs are next in line for riots, and that is very likely to happen soon. In order for the state to have military style control over the people, the perpetuation of this civil unrest is necessary. There needs to be control by the state until the next wave of virus can be claimed, and by that time, the agenda of the vaccination of all will be possible. In the meantime, many states are ramping up the “contact tracers,” and preparing to monitor every single person in this country, and mandate that no one without Stasi-style papers and immunity passports will be able to function.

All hell is about to break loose! This is serious business, and once all realize that this has all been long-planned, maybe the ignorant masses will wake up and quit playing into the hands of the the ruling class that are pulling their strings.

Technocratic rule is sought, and many of the major agendas necessary to achieve a world central planning authority, one world government, are already accomplished. The virus was just an excuse to begin the final stages of a complete takeover of the people, and so far, most all have done exactly as they were conditioned to do. They locked themselves up, they closed all their businesses, they left their jobs, they shunned all others, put on deadly masks, and followed every order given by the state. Now it is going to get ugly, and I do not believe that this country’s citizenry is prepared for what is coming. In fact, I think most are just sheep awaiting the slaughter.

This is a war, and this war is against all of us in this country. The warmongers in this case are the real ruling class and their political and enforcement pawns, and the enemy is every American.

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