Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


Constitutional Nonsense

I have discussed the inadequacies and downright corrupt nature of the U.S. Constitution on many occasions. The document itself was drafted in secrecy behind closed doors, and was in fact a successful coup orchestrated by Hamilton and his followers meant to vastly expand the powers of the central government. It was not meant as most have been taught to protect individual liberty. In my opinion, quite the contrary was and is the case.

This could not be more clearly understood than by simply listening to Obama’s explanation of Constitutional values on what is now, as self-proclaimed by Obama, Constitution Day, Citizenship Day, and Constitution Week. His statements are proof enough of not only his arrogance and collectivist views concerning liberty, but his obvious disdain for the individual in favor of the state. Many would proclaim that he does not respect or follow the Constitution, but I would offer that he fully understands that the U.S. Constitution was meant to greatly expand the powers of the state, not restrict it as is generally believed. The language in the powers clauses in Article 1, Section 8 is evidence enough to reach this conclusion.

Obama’s speech is riddled with inaccuracies, but these inaccuracies are grounded in the purposeful broad language, language that leaves open to interpretation most any conclusion sought by the central government, of the U.S. Constitution.

“Eleven years after a small band of patriots declared the independence of our new Nation, our Framers set out to refine the promise of liberty and codify the principles of our Republic.  Though the topics were contentious and the debate fierce, the delegates’ shared ideals and commitment to a more perfect Union yielded compromise.  Signed on September 17, 1787, our Constitution enshrined — in parchment and in the heart of our young country — the foundation of justice, equality, dignity, and fairness, and became the cornerstone of the world’s oldest constitutional democracy.”

There is no mention in the Constitution of the creation of any general foundations of equality, dignity, and fairness. These are modern terms of socialist thinking oligarchs and progressives, and are purely collectivist in nature. They are not the product of liberty, but are state propaganda by an overreaching political class meant to fool the masses into believing that they wield power over the government instead of the other way around.

“Our Constitution reflects the values we cherish as a people and the ideals we strive for as a society.  It secures the privileges we enjoy as citizens, but also demands participation, responsibility, and service to our country and to one another.  As we celebrate our Nation’s strong and durable framework, we are reminded that our work is never truly done.  Let us renew our commitment to these sacred principles and resolve to advance their spirit in our time.”

Obama does not mention rights, he mentions privileges. Rights are inherent, and are possessed by individuals, privileges are granted by the powerful elite in government, and by definition are allowed by a ruling class, and therefore can be taken away. There is little subtlety in Obama’s words, and it should be perfectly clear that he believes not in individual rights, but in collectivist privileges bestowed by a central governing system.

He also talks of a responsibility and “service” to the state, which is the antithesis of individual freedom and liberty. This thinking is the epitome of the collectivist mind, and has no place in a free society. But then, we do not live in a free society, and are kept in check by a very powerful fascist oligarchy.

The very flawed Constitution was drafted and put into place in a very secretive process by a few politicians, and was never a contract voluntarily entered into by individual citizens. It was forced on the public, and its purpose was not to protect liberty or restrict the power of the national government, it was to expand the powers of the state over the individual, thereby reducing liberty.

The powers clauses of Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution allowed for unlimited power to the federal government, including the power to steal through unlimited taxation, the power to control all commerce, the power to control the monetary system, the power of unlimited borrowing on the credit of the United States, the unlimited power to raise and support an army and navy, and the unlimited power to war. In addition, the last clause of this Article allowed for Congress the legal ability to transfer power to any government department or officer thereof. That destroys the notion of representative government.

How in the world could this be considered a document of freedom and liberty? How could it not be considered the bane of liberty, and the tool of tyrants to destroy the individual in favor of the state and its captive proletariat? Ignorance has consumed the American mind, and tyranny has been the result!

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