Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

Subscriber Update

Clarification for “There Is No Such thing as Covid-19”

Gary D. Barnett

The short and critical article I posted today was not aimed at my subscribers, but was written as a letter of notice to the general population. In fact, it was directed to all those that have blindly and without question believed everything they were told by the government and media, those that have adhered to every mandate, those that have cursed and chastised others for their dissent, and for those that refuse to accept any truth about what is actually going on. It was written for all that have willingly and openly allowed all this to happen in the face of undeniable evidence that this is a conspiracy to gain total control over society. It was for those that wallow in indifference while all freedom has disappeared.

If any of my subscribers took offense at any of my statements, be assured they were not meant for you. You are the reason I am able to spread truth. By supporting my work, you are fighting back against this ruling system. This was simply an open letter to all those that continue to allow this country to be destroyed without lifting a finger to stop it, and that purposely help the controllers in their efforts to destroy us.

Very sincerely … Gary

