In an article in the Washington Post World, it was stated that the CIA was seeking authority to expand its Yemen drone campaign, but since when does the evil CIA ask permission to do anything?
The CIA is wanting to use what it calls “signature strikes,” which is a nice term for murdering unknown innocents. This tactic allows for striking targets based on “intelligence” patterns of so-called suspicious behavior. It also allows for killing without knowing the identities of those targeted. In other words, indiscriminate murder!
The CIA has been using this indiscriminate killing technique in Pakistan for years, but now wants to do the same thing in Yemen. (All those who think it hasn’t been done already, please stand up) Of course, the reasoning, and I use that term loosely, is to stop a “most pressing terrorism threat.” If this is approved, killer air strikes in Yemen will intensify, and there have already been at least, according to the government, 8 drone attacks this year.
This so-called permission request came from CIA Director, David H. Petraeus, a horrible human being if ever there was one. You may remember him in his last role, as the murderer-in-chief of the U.S. Forces in Afghanistan. He should be tried for crimes against man, but instead, he is given the highest position in the CIA, and a permission slip to kill covertly.
This will of course breed many more enemies of the United States. It will cause more hatred and death. It will accomplish nothing more than filling the profit coffers of those corporations dependent on war. It will not protect us or make us safer, it will do just the opposite, but the government’s power will continue to grow, while any freedom left will be destroyed.
Remember, if the CIA can do this in Yemen and Pakistan, it can and will do it in the streets of America!