Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression


Census Attack

I have written in the past extensively about the anti-freedom census here,  hereherehere, and here. Other than the normal every ten year count, many other census demands are sent out every year. Those include this threat:


The “or else” is a threat of a $5,000.00 fine for non-compliance.

I received an economic census a few years ago, but refused to fill it out or send it back. I was threatened with heavy fines. In the end, I simply sent it back blank, and was not bothered again. This time I won’t even send it in blank.

I just received in the past two weeks an Economic and Statistics Census from the U.S. Department of Commerce, and a Census of Agriculture from the USDA. Both came with threats, and both came with dates as to when they had to be completed. If past experience is of any use, I will expect to get four more mailings over time; each with more threats.

I will update my blog whenever I receive more census demands from this corrupt government, and will let all know what is happening as time goes by. If the threats get more intense this time around, I plan to ignore them at least until the mailings stop, and I am served with any papers from these government agencies.

If no one complied with government mandates, those mandates would be worthless. But so long as the frightened sheep continue to acquiesce to pressure from this tyrannical government, the invasions will only increase in intensity and frequency. Total dissent is a better way!

