Advancing the ideas of freedom, liberty and non-aggression

MilitaryTerrorismTortureWar on Terror

On Saturday this past weekend, guards at Guantanamo prison in Cuba fired “non-lethal” rounds at prisoners. The stated reason for these rounds being fired at inmates was “to quell prisoner unrest Saturday as they relocated inmates into individual cells,” U.S. military… Continue Reading…

FascismImperialismMilitaryPolice StateTerrorismTyrannyWarWar on Terror

All of a sudden, the so-called Syrian threat seems to have been tabled temporarily and replaced with the threat of North Korea. One day there was the horrible threat of alleged chemical weapons in Syria, and the threat of the… Continue Reading…

MilitaryTerrorismWarWar on Terror

As Professor Michael Rozeff asked this morning, “How can the U.S. be at war with al Qaeda, and support it,” and at the same time? The answer of course is it can’t! The United States, according to a story that the… Continue Reading…

Blast From the PastFalse FlagsMilitaryNationalismTerrorismWarWar on Terror

Since, as Randolph Bourne so honestly stated, “War is the health of the state,” let us for a moment identify the war players and properly define their roles. This is not often done, at least not truthfully, due to the… Continue Reading…

Banking and FinanceThe Patriot ActTyrannyWar on Terror

By: Gary D. Barnett   After 18 years in the investment business, a time I might add that has been rewarding in many ways, I am now truly questioning whether I should stay in this profession. It just isn’t fun… Continue Reading…

